
Honey (derogatory), perhaps you need to stop insulting and actually having an opinion backed up with facts without resorting to an attempt at an argument with each point :) When you grow up you will be able to haven adult discussion one day.

If you are not pissed off then why can you only 'try' to insult or infuriate me with insults? Do you have nothing to say on the subject? I am Con but you have not produced any Pro, I think it is time you took a break from the 'internetz', finished school and when you are a little bit less sensitive we can have this

If you care to read over the last few posts, I have done nothing but express my own opinion which pisses you off that you have insulted, including but not limited to, my intelligence, my sex, my ability get dates and much more. The only time I made any reference to you is when I quote you word for word. So stick that

Back to your basement, troll! :P

Well that is great when you have more money than brains but any franchise has been watching E3 to decide where it will jump ship and if every franchise worth its own salt does not move with Sony for this generation well they will regret it very much. It is a pity about all those soldiers fighting the war for you, they

LOL that is EXACTLY what you wrote. Did I rant? No, I stated the facts. Am I typical? No. Am I anti-feminist? (actual feminism no but modern feminism yes) A troll? Sometimes. Modern feminists are men-hating pigs like it or not.

So.... impossible for them to be equal and that is why we need feminism... to make them equal? Please quit while you are behind.

The original feminist movement highlighted key issues such as equal rights/pay and that was a good choice and they won. Unequal pay/rights are down to specific individual only and the world

Problem is not feminism, feminism was a great movement which paved the way for better rights for women, the problem is modern feminism which is not feminism at all but hidden sexism.

Now there is a misogynist quote if ever I heard one.

Well that is because I am a man, instantly wrong. Thanks for proving it.

too late, i noticed within a 6 month period all female character art was replaced with much sexier versions.

Hear Hear, or here here, whichever is more comfortable for you. Sadly I find if you criticise a female it is because you are a male (and a misogynist to boot) and because you disagree with their points. As a male you have no valid opinion on what a female does as you are male and wrong. That is what feminism means

Ugh, way too much going on for me to enjoy. Talented lads to make the video but trying to hard to be funny ruins it and the art of acapella. I'll stick to "Smooth McGroove" thank you.

Aside from the messages, the fingerprints, the catching the murderer in the act of stabbing and killing people then yeah sure you could never be 100% it must be the other guy who did it. He has taken other peoples lives to satisfy himself, he does not deserve to have the gift of life and those people did not deserve

See all that dead empty space on the left? Any chance you could move recommended articles over there and have them move with you as you scroll down the page, that way they are always in view, unobtrusive and if we need to click on them, we do.

to the left of the RIGHT control key, as all keyboards are slightly different you could have an empty space instead of a button there. that would be the key he is talking of.

I do remember that indeed and that was all well and good. So they added colours for the dumb generation, now they add more distinctive differences for the even dumber kids. I appreciate your neutralism in the argument with just stating facts, hard to find that on the internet :P I just really dislike the art style

I hated Raphael :P but no I did not. My problem the stereotyped differences, it is not the same show it once was and is far from good.

This new series where each of the turtles HAS to have a significant difference to show the stereotype really pisses me off though. Donatello HAS to have a squeaky voice and a gap in his teeth to show he is a nerd, Raphael HAS to have a crack in his shell to show he gets into fights, Michelangelo HAS to have freckles

Please read the article - "And after that, we’re going to hang both prints, side by side.”