Put in Quinn!
Put in Quinn!
Spread, covered.
Oh hey I had to watch the baby during the fourth quarter did I miss anything?
No, I changed the channel and the Broncos were kicking off. It was AWESOME!
Volkswagen ads always have the ugliest babies. Must be a reparations thing.
Nice block Graham. This is a game.
Ryan Leaf > Mumford & Sons
Nice cartwheel Collins. That's a celebration you should make your signature.
Extracurricular activities? What, like jazz band?
No that's a "BIG HIT!"
That's a brain injury.
I have a degree in physics.
Now that fantasy is over and I have no interest in Tebow's success; oh man I want the Bardy Quinn era to start.
Where the hell is Heidi Klun?
More like Super Bowls XLVII, VXVIII and VXIX!!
I heard his penis has a vagina.
Heard Drew Magary on Talk of the Nation today. He has a very NPR voice.
Frank Caliendo in blackface is totally normal?
That was so WWE.