Dr. Spaceman, Esq.

@s14kouki: As long as we can agree:

America's roundabout gap must not be allowed to stand.

RB > VG > SR > VQ

@TPSreports: "I got mine, so shut up whiners."

Get a used Honda Insight. Quirky as fuck, less then $12k, and I know a guy who autocrosses one. You can be that guy too.


That's got to handle like an accordion.

Um, it's caller "racer tape" when it goes on a car.

At 7,300 miles in 18 years, does it even have an impact on the environment?

Los Angeles SCCA autocross region has an electric car class.

Nascar's the one with the yellow flags linked to the Nielson boxes, right?

Hypercolor > Glow in the Dark

Imminent Subaru Imprezza WRX STD

@FreeMan: That's because its a dyno queen. The goal aint usable power.

Why don't they just have a put-your-money-in-a-big-pile-and-burn-it competitions? Biggest pile wins. Save everybody some time.

FWD Porsche? OMGLOL????//1!!

"Incredibly fuel efficient?" I call shens.

@PeteJayhawk: No, you made the assertion, you do the work and support it.