Dr. Spaceman, Esq.

@UDMan: Save something for your standup act, chuckles.

2000 lbs overwieght.

Ahh, so that was the V8 last nights PCH mentioned.

@UDMan: Yeah, I bet those grapes were fucking sour anyway.

Mor sports plez thanks

I wonder what Tito Ortiz drives

Old and busted

Goddamn them for enforcing their laws! I demand the right to park on my street at any time!

Sigh, if only they made a wax and protectant for these monster cables i have.

"meteoric rise?"

No stars

I have one of these that runs off CO2. But the high pressure chamber and valve is brass, so no boom-boom for me.

Excellent hand position.

"Solara Guy forums"

OCD can be treated.

I thought they got rid of the tuck rule.

Is E. Honda related to Piston Honda?

Wow, what a beautiful game.