
Generally speaking, if you’ve lost power, your car still works.

We used a battery operated AM radio during Sandy when my city was pretty decimated. Ironically, something like this AM radio mandate would probably benefit poor white rural Americans more than anything, so of course the politicians they vote for will oppose it. So fuck them. As someone living in NJ, usually ranked the

It’s just so exhausting to have to explain this over and over, isn’t it? The entire g-d point of having something like AM radio around is that cell phones won’t fucking work during a true disaster/emergency, yet people keep shouting “yOu CaN juSt dO iT On YOuR PHoNe!!! It’s as ridiculous as someone arguing that it’s

I’m of the firm belief that AM radio is important and to be preserved. Not everyone has a cell phone, not everyone has access to reliable charging and reliable income to pay the monthly bill, but everyone needs access to information on severe weather or other disasters. Plus, as union-hardrolls pointed out, AM radio

It’s typical for cell phones to become useless in many emergency situations, especially with events like natural disasters. AM has much greater coverage and dependability when it comes to critical information and updates. Not being the mainstream way during regular day to day activity doesn’t mean it’s not a vital

They can stream it. There are at least 20 different services that carry HS football games online; if AM disappears you can expect more to pop up and/or the existing ones to grow.

AM bands typically are longer wavelengths, which don’t fit into tiny cell phone antennas. To make it more compact a large chunk of ferrite can help, but it doesn’t do it all. The radio reception for tiny receivers use the headphone as the antenna, but that’s not necessarily the right length to be properly tuned.

It wouldn't be possible to fit it into a cell phone because of the necessary antenna.

Boom, you’re spot on. AM radio is how conservative and religious organizations get the word out to their audiences. What would they do without it?! No more 700 WLW to tell them how to think? My father would be lost without his AM radio.

Technologically, AM radio is probably the cheapest, most robust way to reach the most people quickly.

If they want to keep AM for public safety, they can pick one frequency and reserve it across the United States. Clear out 5 KHz of the best spectrum and treat them like the EBS where you can activate it in affected areas via a few 50-100 kW antennas. Use it for regional emergency weather alerts, national security

Agreed. The fact that nearly nobody has an AM radio anywhere but in their car and that it might be the last lifeline in the event of something tragic - it seems like a reasonable expectation that all cars would continue to have it.

First of all, I always take cost estimates like those with a large grain of salt. “3.8 billion dollars between now and 2030" parceled out over an estimated 85 million cars sold between 2025 and 2030 (17 million per year) is about $45 per car. Not the end of the world. Also not the use of the word “could,” not “would.”

She’s not seeing that $30K refund. And she’s now informally blacklisted from these ventures, as surely her name’s on a do-not-invite list.

I agree. If Tesla had any shot at being a major player in AI, robotics, or even self-driving, he’d still be holding those shares despite what he thinks of Musk.

Musk’s focus on AI and Robotaxi, and furiously posting on Twitter, and losing lots of money on Twitter, and SpaceX, and the Boring Company, and a potential government efficiency cabinet position, and AI (But at xAI instead of Tesla), and Neuralink....

I don’t think he gives a shit about the sell-off being a brave move. He’s seen the writing on the wall and is abandoning ship before everyone else does.

If you think the iPhone is ‘half-assed’, you are not a serious person.

If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.