
While he's not the only reason I will no longer consider a Tesla (when I once assumed one was inevitable in my future), every reason I do have traces back to him. The ONLY chance I have of changing my mind and buying one ever would come as a result of him being ousted and the company clearly refocusing to demonstrate

I've had this conversation. My interest in Tesla would increase massively if they did so. Not merely due to his bigoted and unstable comments, but also due to how poorly he's managed to company itself. A removal would imply an effort to right the ship, and the company has history of being great. It could easily return

If you don’t think the vulvas embroidered all over it don’t look like vulvas, I’m concerned about what kind of pornography YOU’VE been watching.

Saw it three times in the theater, always in IMAX 3D, and it’s one of very few experiences that was worth it. Some of the best visuals and sound I’ve ever enjoyed in the theater. You could FEEL some of that film.

A lot of us, actually. A ton of us loved Legacy and have been begging for a return ever since.

There’s a lot of potential for what AI will do for us, but right now we’re very much in the phase of it being a buzzword everyone MUST include in everything they do or they’ll seem far behind everyone else who MUST cram it into their product. There is absolutely no point to it here. None. This is like the old trend of

At least, with an EV, all the chargers latch.

So you want to solve my sometimes unreliable AA/CarPlay problems that drive me to occasionally use my phone by replacing it with a system that is guaranteed to not encompass all of the functionality my phone provides, thereby GUARANTEEING I have to occasionally rely on my phone? Because literally the only way this

My wife talked me into going to my first one earlier this year at the Crypto.com arena in LA, and I had way more fun than I was expecting. And yeah, there were kids EVERYWHERE and it was super family and everyone had shirts and toys and stuff, and it was clearly just a great overall attitude. You could tell how much

I used to do commissioned sales for a printer company on weekends, stationed at a very popular electronics chain. I did very well for myself overall, and stayed honest, but my sales skills absolutely came from manipulating the customer into the sale I wanted to make and away from the competition, which often meant

I disagree. I find animation, throughout history, has been a great way to do on a low budget what was physically impossible, or too expensive, to do in a live-action form. So when a property either blows up enough that it can support the budget for a live action adaptation OR technology allows us to revisit something

Such as the countless 42 references.

I wanted the movie and loved it. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it, but I’m confused about why you went to see it if you didn’t want to.

Yes, that’s the thing. The movie’s anywhere from fine to great. There isn’t anything ACTUALLY wrong with film itself, and trying to pretend the problem was with the writing, production, or directing is rather silly given that box office turnout is quite rarely a reflection of those things. If it had a major week-one

“...I just disagree with the parts that reduce my profit margins or ability to avoid using actors at all.”

Mine is how the pump takes forever to reset after a transaction problem. "See cashier, see cashier, see cashier." I don't need to see them. I know what went wrong and/or I know your stupid pump randomly decides there's a problem that there actually wasn't and the next time I try it will work. Instead of me standing

Also in enterprise IT, and this is our daily reality. At least most of our CRMs know this and are there to then facilitate a demo and conversation with the actual engineers who can answer the actual questions, as they otherwise illicit a lot of blank stares.

I mean, as an IT guy, this is how I feel trying to buy almost ANY technology.

The entire appeal of the series, since the beginning, was being live action. There have been countless team-based hero cartoons forever, but live action at this scale was unprecedented. And it was imitated with virtually no success as a result. Without live action I frankly don't know why people would care the same

I remember learning this from the Robert Heinlein novel, Number of the Beast, and didn’t think about the connection until reading this article for some reason, before I saw your comment. I definitely wonder if there’s any intent there.