
As they should.

They made it, then took a tax write-off on the entire $90 million budget because it didn’t fit their current release strategies. Claimed it wouldn’t work for a theatrical release, but their current strategy no longer supports releasing a film directly to streaming which was the original plan for it, leaving it with no

I think we passed that point so long ago that we can just accept this is how things are. This is what he wants to do with his life, and so long as doing so doesn’t endanger others, cool. I’ve seen rich, famous people do worse. And frankly, he’s involved with far worse things we could criticize.

Yep, hardly sounds like a pit. More like a foam layer.

They’re likely more like 40-ish minutes based off of history, often with wide variance between them. So about 4 hours of content. So yes, still notably more.

I definitely remember them being clear it was its own separate piece and timeline and canon. Like a lot of comic book one-offs. Stewart and Jackman didn’t walk away from the roles because the characters were forever dead, so much as they both felt like it was too beautiful an ending to cheapen by continuing. But it

That’s fantastic to know about. Thank you.

Yeah, I was surprised by this paragraph too, especially as it doesn’t match anything else. I have no empathy for the people enjoying the entire book and then returning it so the author makes no money.

This. Higher than 60hz is pointless when the games don’t stream higher than that.

I hate that for something so expensive we have to choose between consoles for it. This has always been an issue with the wheels, and I understand there are all these licensing considerations, but it’s so anti-consumer and unfortunate. Some people are multi-console or shift between generations. Having something this

I felt like my implication was rather clear, but I guess not. I want games that don’t rely on servers to stay playable. It’s been discussed up and down these threads. A lot of games with full single-player campaigns are still rendered unusable when the servers go down. It’s tiring.

Still a big difference between buying it a year late and requiring it be supported for a decade. I think the difference can be split.

This. The days of collecting classic games and being able to play them for decades to come is all but over. I’m not fully doom-and-gloom here. I love a ton of the advantages of modern gaming, and digital copies of games. But the idea that I could dust off an old console out of a closet and pop in some games for it is

Account for every device you own is besides the point here. Having to tie your VR account to an unrelated social media account that can be very easily banned for very arbitrary things, locking you out of your entire device and all the games you owned, while also sharing your usage data with a company who’s known for

I love how his main focus is that it was made to look like his documents were strewn across the floor to make him look bad. Literally NOBODY but his own pathetic sycophants thinks the photograph is meant to represent the state in which they were found. Anybody who’s seen any photos of any drug bust, for example, is

I mean, this is a core reason I like Android Auto and CarPlay as concepts. I’d still prefer a much larger screen with an interface optimized for car usage, but outside of that, my phone is more than capable of being optimized to do all of this work. Let the car be really good at being a car, complete with dials and

In fairness, those services you’re used to paying for can at least justify themselves by being software features that require a server infrastructure, security updates, and interaction with third-party services that rely on it maintaining up-to-date APIs and configurations. An argument can be made that it’s reasonable

I *might* be able to accept an argument for subscriptions to features the item already has hardware for IF said features rely on advanced software that requires regular updates and interconnectivity with outside services. One reason more and more software has to be constantly updated is because everything is

It’s funny, because with the quoted section, I found myself very much in the middle of both issues. I wanted it to commit to EITHER one, but the mix felt broken. I would have gladly taken a film that felt fully Zhao, but it felt like it kept getting portrayed by forcing itself to be a Marvel film, and I would have

Sure, but I accounted for that in the end. It should have been programmed to be prepared for that. But that’s not the same as it being programmed to specifically and intentionally injure the child. I know you don’t want to argue “correctness,” but as that’s exactly what I was arguing, I’m not sure why we’re shifting.