
Well, before I saw that they reused previous footage, I thought this indicated that Thomas just didn’t want to continue any longer, and they both recognized and accepted that. That this symbolized him saying his heart wasn’t in this anymore, while Guy-Manuel was going to continue on. Were that the message and reality,

I thought the same until I read the above article which indicates that that’s repurposed footage from their film, Electroma. So they didn’t film this now to announce their ending, but edited or had someone else edit pre-existing footage. There’s also no original song in it. That suggests they were NOT able/willing to

I definitely remember watching this as a kid, although had forgotten it until this article. However I have minimal memory of whether it was any good.

I’m extremely excited for this film. Not because I think it’s going to be good, but because of exactly that: it’s one of the most insane ideas in film, and good or bad, it’s an incredibly fascinating mess they’re willingly paying for. I can’t wait to see what the aftermath is.

Seriously, a four-year-old battery will not last like a new one. This is not remotely strange.

Yeah, I don’t know why there’s any surprise here. This is how batteries work. This isn’t remotely odd.

Seriously, I remember as a kid/teenager thinking switching to yokes would be da shit, and then I became an actual driver and realizing switching to yokes would be shit.

Two thoughts:

Did you watch the linked video before commenting, or read the article itself? Both indicate that the final design appears to come very close to the concept.

I don’t think that’s the takeaway of the comment at all.

One more thing to remember to charge very, very rarely, that stops working exactly when you need it, in a place where we likely don’t have the right type of charging cable lying around, is awful. I’d rather batteries I can swap in a hurry and recharge separately. Having had several nVidia Shield remotes go bad on me,

R4 is also an all-time favorite of mine, and I wanted this controller SO badly. But in the days before everything was available online, it was a matter of local availability, and there was none. I guess I probably would have hated it based on this review, but it’s still sad I never got my hands on one.

Water can also contain dirt, gunk, sentiment, other liquids, and who knows what else.

This seems to specifically mention browser. What about mobile? My Stadia pack arrives end of this week, but I’m still not expecting to pay for Premium. Might be a nice time to jump into this, although I had it via Game Pass Ultimate and that didn’t really drive me to try it either.

Ugh, forgot that example. That might have been the... “best?”

Let’s not forget that leaders of this party and Trump’s re-election have gleefully compared to Trump to Ivan Drago and their campaign to the Death Star. They have regularly used iconography of the villains AS PROMOTION without concern. This should be shocking, but I’ve lost all capacity for shock a long time ago.

Pokémon Stadium for the N64 managed to wipe my Yellow save. That was an immense tragedy. Countless hours put into that save. Luckily it was mostly forgotten as I moved on to future generations.

Seriously. This sounds like the opposite of everything it should be. For $337 I want to be able to press fewer keys to do the same job. This is absurd on several levels.

I think you missed something completely. Nobody here was defending Sony. The entire core point each of us was making was that Sony may have a technological reason they can’t merely flip the switch which still amounts to poor planning and poor prioritization of a generational transition. I was never here to back Sony’s

We indicated the reasons, though. Are they GOOD reasons? No. Are they plausible reasons? Yes. Sony’s full of past weird, shortsighted, anti-consumer decisions (like many companies are), and this could absolutely be one of them.