
Two thoughts:

Did you watch the linked video before commenting, or read the article itself? Both indicate that the final design appears to come very close to the concept.

I don’t think that’s the takeaway of the comment at all.

R4 is also an all-time favorite of mine, and I wanted this controller SO badly. But in the days before everything was available online, it was a matter of local availability, and there was none. I guess I probably would have hated it based on this review, but it’s still sad I never got my hands on one.

Water can also contain dirt, gunk, sentiment, other liquids, and who knows what else.

This seems to specifically mention browser. What about mobile? My Stadia pack arrives end of this week, but I’m still not expecting to pay for Premium. Might be a nice time to jump into this, although I had it via Game Pass Ultimate and that didn’t really drive me to try it either.

Pokémon Stadium for the N64 managed to wipe my Yellow save. That was an immense tragedy. Countless hours put into that save. Luckily it was mostly forgotten as I moved on to future generations.

I think you missed something completely. Nobody here was defending Sony. The entire core point each of us was making was that Sony may have a technological reason they can’t merely flip the switch which still amounts to poor planning and poor prioritization of a generational transition. I was never here to back Sony’s

We indicated the reasons, though. Are they GOOD reasons? No. Are they plausible reasons? Yes. Sony’s full of past weird, shortsighted, anti-consumer decisions (like many companies are), and this could absolutely be one of them.

Talk about mature business decisions. She’s got a future.

Thank you. Not sure why that was so hard.

FreakishHorde said it already, but yeah, you’re not grasping the concept. I’m STILL not talking about the file system. I’m talking about the format of the data inside the file itself. Just like new software often changes the entire way it writes its data, sometimes breaking compatibility with old versions, that may be

Never heard of her until this. Now she’s EVERYWHERE. This not only didn’t hurt her both to reasonable demands on Nintendo’s part and her own mature response, but it plastered her all over my news feeds for the last couple of days. Now I definitely know who she is, and others are definitely paying attention. This

I don’t think they were speaking about the drive formatting, but the standard used for how save data itself is structured. There may be new standards in place that make simply directly loading the file implausible on the PS platform, while the Xbox platform is simply a direct extension of the previous systems,

Yeah, I had different devices while logged in tell me different completion levels, and most importantly the Mario Kart Tour one told me it wouldn’t register until the 29th. So I never went back to the other page to find out that it wanted me to come in 8 days before that to get my pins.

This was my problem too. I saw that it wouldn’t register my Tour involvement until the 29th, so waited for that. I had NO idea that on the previous page it had already registered that I qualified and said to come back on the 21st, because I had no reason to return to that when the missions page clearly said it

Would love to see your link to such prior confirmations. This is the first I’ve seen this confirmed anywhere.

Where has this been said anywhere? I haven't seen this, and this is welcome news, especially after just buying a new Switch and having to wipe my SD card and re-download everything. Would not have been surprised if that was the case here too, and never saw indication otherwise. 

I think that’s clear to anyone who’s ever read articles about events in which more than one thing are announced.

What about things that aren’t the subject of the article? I dunno, maybe go read the articles that are specifically about them, which this is not.