

Except that very rich human chose those conditions.

I still miss GR and its Magic view, but overall I’m with you that a web-based reader (Feedly for me too) slays. Same history across all my devices.

I’m all for experimenting, but sometimes you have enough information to know the outcome without wasting huge amounts of money. There were SOME unknown variables, yes, but the widest swaths of major elements were understood pretty clearly by scientists and engineers who all made it pretty clear this couldn’t work.…

My wife has a gold (colored) metal AmEx card with none of these issues.

I spelled out exactly what I was arguing with you about. And people still say way more than you seem to think they do.

As a former vegetarian, and friend of many vegetarians, vegans, and vegan activists, again, many of them are at the point where they know this level of adherence is ridiculous and harmful to the cause. Feel free to be grossed out by it. But I’m telling what they’ve DIRECTLY told me and preached to others: being too…

No idea why you think I’d be lying about something so basic and mundane. 

Can’t speak to your specifics. I can say on my Pixel 3 XL, which sometimes had performance issues before and would slow down or freeze up if too much was going on, it’s exhibited none of those issues since the update.

I’m probably going to try to swing by one today for the hell of it. I’m not overly fond of their food in general, but I want to try their prep. Would be nice to have one more fast food option I like.

Sorry, I have to go find my eyes after they rolled out of my head from your sanctimonious premise.

Answer to all of your questions: yes, frequently. The rest of your comment makes me want to roll my eyes really, really hard at your incredibly black-and-white decisions of how the world should work.

The new Android Auto is a MASSIVE improvement over the old. Dramatically more usable and less frustrating. Smoother performance, too. Not sure what you're unhappy with.

Because it IS vegetarian. The only way it is not is that it’s cooked on the same grill. But if your goal is to not contribute to killing animals, it achieves that goal. I know many vegetarians who are fine with that because their goal isn’t to be sanctimonious, but realistic. In addition, they’re insanely better for…

Everyone, frequently, when in private. Privileged, sensitive information is given out over the phone or in person constantly between trusted people. Daughter calls me, “dad, what’s my social security number?” Doctor calls me to deliver test results and discuss them with me. Conference call with a client with…

My wife’s name is awkwardly close enough to Siri that people use it as a comparison when confirming pronunciation. We are luckily not an Apple household, or I’m sure Apple would have a LOT of juicy recordings of us.

My daughter was born March of 2002. This is all abstract to her.

Except this time around it's not just the vegans and vegetarians saying it, it's meat eaters. I'm a meat eater. I've had the Impossible Burger in multiple forms, and several of them are essentially indistinguishable.

“Couldn’t we just have whatever it is, look and taste like whatever it is and still be happy about it?"

There are times in my life when I’ve wanted a BMW pretty badly, but realized I could never shake the reputation. Tesla owners are slowly and reliably destroying my desire to own one.