
I have to admit that this fills me with a sense of relief. Like I have some small chance of catching up within this game. I’ve missed a bunch of games in between, and found each more overwhelming than the last, and it’s kept me from progressing in them. Limiting the scope a little might help.

So how is it compared to PSU? I remember being so excited by that and then so disappointed with the reality. Is it more proper PSO? Because that’s still my favorite online game of all time. Heck, offline too, where I honestly spent most of my time.

Yeah, this is what I reacted to as well. Outside of scientific equipment, which won't be a Rolex watch, there is nothing in my life that needs a watch to be so accurate that it makes sense to spend $1000-10000 on it. Even if I have to set my watch monthly to keep it within a minute of accuracy, that won't be worth

At this point the only thing holding me back from saving up for one of these is the Snapdragon 835 processor, which seems crazy to have shipped with, and suggests we can’t be much more than a year off from one that ships with a processor that’s closer to current when it’s released. At least an 855, if not whatever’s

Everybody sounds like assholes in this scenario.

No, we want to actually have control of the devices we own and not have them decide what’s best for us when for some of us there is literally NO harm.

But they’re not warnings. A warning implies you can continue despite it. These are full-on blockades.

Eh, that would do more harm than good. Once people think they can’t trust the source of the information, they stop trusting the source of the information. Then they turn just start ignoring those notifications and drive normally. Deceiving people never pans out in the long run.

There’ve been various discussions of laws preventing local governments from utilizing funds from traffic tickets, requiring them to filter up to state level. I’d be strongly in agreement with this. Remove the local financial incentive to ticket and refocus on the old “to serve and protect.” Restore the role of law

Which they already do. So now you get them to at least slow down when they know there’s a speed trap, as opposed to what they mostly currently do which is not slow down at all. But at least the city makes money off of them as a result, but without actually improving safety which was supposed to be the point.

They’re not WATCHING their phones, though, for this. A notification isn’t something you watch for. It pops up and also usually produces an audible alert as well, at least as it did in Waze. Regardless, it’s something you glance at. It’s another source of vital driving information.

Which was my point.

I don’t believe there’s any solid evidence that speeders don’t speed because they’re in constant fear of surprise speed cameras. That’s what people WANT to happen, but I don’t think there’s any supporting evidence. In which case the value of the cameras for safety is exactly what you said: fancy speed bumps. In which

I think that’s the gut instinct people have, but I don’t believe there’s solid evidence of that fact. The person who’s the type to drive unsafely isn’t going to magically start being a safe driver just because they’re in fear of a camera. But they’ll at least adjust accordingly when warned of one, which are supposed

There’s no reason to be upset given that the purpose of these various cameras and such is to improve public safety, so a phone warning should produce the same result. Unless law enforcement wishes to admit that these devices are actually about revenue generation and not safety...

I’ve played it at the annual Arcade Expo at the Museum of Pinball in Banning, CA. It’s a spectacle, but it’s painfully slow and boring. Also, one of their flippers isn’t quite strong enough, so you can’t really get to the top well.

Even if I had or could afford a DSLR, I can’t imagine wanting to take it with me in most circumstances. As they say, the best camera is the one you have with you. And as a result, I absolutely want my phone to take the best quality photos possible for those circumstances.

Saw the Delorean there a few months back. They already have a pretty good selection of movie cars. But I might have to go back and see the rest. I noticed the Prometheus vehicle in their garage when I drove past last month and wondered what was up.

Saw a headline yesterday (luckily after I’d seen the film) that replaced a character name with [SPOILER] in it. Great! That wasn’t so hard, was—oh, you made the hero image the photo of the very character you redacted from the headline. Great job.

Counterpoint: No. I should have the right to be surprised without having to take extensive measures to block myself off from the world. For Endgame I had to disable the Google Feed on my home screen and avoid ALL social media for nearly a week. And I still got a notification with a spoiler in it. That’s an absurd