Depends on the person and situation. Some people simply don’t track email.
Depends on the person and situation. Some people simply don’t track email.
Absolutely. There are some people with whom I *know* I will lose massive amounts of time getting nowhere.
Alternate protip: no, don’t do that. There’s a reason we text. Time-shifting conversations to between busy moments that don’t require active, constant attention so that people on both sides can read and respond as available is, in many cases, regardless of the number of texts, far preferable to a phone call.
Thank you SO much for turning this adorable news negative. I was afraid we might be able to just enjoy it.
I have serious issues with the system, how it’s marketed, and most importantly how it expects human minds to operate. So I’m not defending it across the board. But the claim that the term, itself, is wrong and “in name only” is incorrect. The name is extremely technically accurate. Perhaps, as you’ve pointed out, TOO…
Except the name does accurately reflect its abilities. Laypeople have redefined the word, though, to mean something completely different. Ask an actual pilot how actual autopilot works in a plane, and it’s exactly like this. The term was used for a reason, because it more accurately reflects how the car works than…
I was bothered at first, but the controls are so precise that I quickly didn’t care.
Yeah, my wife and I had a 16 hour flight to Dubai on our honeymoon and weren’t informed that we had to pay for assigned seats, so ended up being sat apart from one another. Airline didn’t GAF, and told us we could ask other passengers on our own if they’d mind trading seats. We got lucky that a woman sitting next to…
I hope the game is good this time. The first Labo set was super fun to build, but meh to play.
All my favorite restaurant burgers are thick. So strongly disagreed.
No, dBrand issued that warning after many failed attempts. They eventually found a solution and now sell skins.
I felt the other way around. NES selection wasn’t overly exciting to me, but the SNES line-up felt really strong. It’s been fun. My wife and I have been beating Super Mario World together. She remembers it way better than I do.
SNES was easy for me because the supply was plentiful. Just found them sitting in Target.
My wife’s owned five of these. Her current one, a special edition, is down after the engine died and had to be rebuilt out of parts combined with a spare she owned. She really misses it, and it died just as we were first dating, so I’ve never really gotten to experience it.
But my point is it looked to me like when they stopped the machine didn’t do anything else. Might have missed something, definitely, but if I followed the instructions to STOP, sat there, and the machine did nothing, I’d begin to question whether I’d made a mistake and/or the machine was working. Yes, yes, you…
It looked to me, like I said, as though the driver DID in fact STOP. That’s my point. They stopped and NOTHING HAPPENED. I’ve used these a lot. I absolutely stop when it says to. And then, crazy as it is, something happens as a result. Maybe I missed something in the video. Entirely possible. But if I pulled up,…
It looked to me like they did stop, waited, and absolutely nothing happened. Then they backed up and drove in and stopped again, hoping to trigger whatever failed the first time. They they tried driving in further. And then they tried to back out again when everything collapsed on them. Yes, it’s possible this is…
Considered to be a “superfood” by whom, exactly? As this isn’t actually a real classification outside of marketing, the fact that “some people” consider it one is kind of meaningless. Did you know that some people consider me a superlover?
You lost me with the first half of the first sentence.
Extremely happy with mine. Zipper on the storage case broke on maybe the second use, but the device itself is fantastic. Only wish it had some sort of self-retracting or storage for the cable.
Extremely happy with mine. Zipper on the storage case broke on maybe the second use, but the device itself is…