
I know what it means. But tell that to the GOP:

In fairness, I assume Mario Kart is wrapped up into Mario, so you may be at least partially right with that one. I think them including Pokemon was a stretch, as Nintendo no longer directly owns Pokemon.

Yep, according to this, it’s not even close. Mario has outsold Zelda by nearly 7X. Zelda’s fourth.

Super disappointed to hear that Teen Vogue got in on this bullshit (“spirituality” tag or not). They’ve been practically the sole arbiters of truth lately. Was considering subscribing my daughter to their publication due to their otherwise badass work. Items like this give me pause.

Also, is Zelda really Nintendo’s best-selling franchise? I’d assume it’s still Mario...

...what? PCs own the “app” market. Historically even Mac fanatics all recognized that the “one” weakness of Macs was the software availability for it.

That’s nice and all when they’re the only ones at risk. It’s when their vehicle lands on a perfectly capable person underneath them that this logic collapses.

To the best of my knowledge, there IS no “Public except...” option. The only way to have Except powers is to make it a friends-only post. I’ve dug through that before, and if you try to do something custom, it requires you to pick who CAN see it, and starts with the Friends group. There’s no Public group to type in

What a truly privileged attitude. Try working in any field, such as this one, where all the businesses follow the exact same shitty practices. When you leave to work somewhere “better” you quickly find there ISN’T better. Which is clear from the article since the strike covers HUNDREDS of dealerships. At that point

Had a nice conversation with a TSA employee (sounds unbelievable already, I know) in FSM when I was returning from visiting family a few years back. Place was slow and they had to shut down security for a while for maintenance, and he’d done his training at BUR where I was heading back to, so we had some common

My wife is pretty upset about this and would surely fight you to the death, possibly due to some withdrawal-related symptoms. She can’t stand Diet Coke and loves Coke Zero. The difference is quite dramatic to her and she’s going to have a very hard time with this. She’s a super-taster, while I have a pretty normal

Absolutely zero chance this was actually a cop and not some random idiot goofing off.

I’m 35, and I feel pretty darn confident I did not hear this from ANY cars, whatsoever. I’m sure I learned this either through normal lingual learning, such as books or parents, or, indeed, via the “when is a door not a door” joke.

Or because they noticed there was something wrong with the bus and wanted to document it, like the article says.

“The description says the passenger filming ‘realized that the bus had a problem and may be about to deteriorate,’ and took the most logical next step: taking out a camera.”

Yeah, I see that, but it’s the concrete curb, followed by ANOTHER concrete curb on the other side of the sidewalk next to the first curb. I feel like those curbs could easily be improved upon, as it’s the second, less-important curb that took out the woman in the video.

Fair enough. Article gave me the impression this was more common. And the other example of exactly this happening, only not resulting in death, seemed to back that up, as that one merely happened to be caught on video. Seems as though it would have to have happened more often. But I suppose it’s possible it hasn’t.

First off, let me be clear: I absolutely get that this is the overall fault of this woman failing to heed this warning. 100%. Grown, clearly capable adult, reading signs that warn of exactly this and choosing to take the risk anyway.

If it’s the same identical experience other than graphics, then yes, you’re not a remake. Including RE1 if that’s how it’s described. I’m not as directly familiar with it as you to make that call, but it sounds like it fits.

If it’s ONLY upgraded art and controls, but follows the original precisely, then it’s not a remake either. A remake takes the original ideas and makes something NEW out of them. Look at any movie remake. They’re not the exact same as the original, line for line, shot for shot, location for location, just with new