By chance did you attend The Jalopnik School For Kids That Can’t Read or Math Good And Want To Do Invesigative Automotive Journalist Things Good Too?
By chance did you attend The Jalopnik School For Kids That Can’t Read or Math Good And Want To Do Invesigative Automotive Journalist Things Good Too?
The...the location change IS that great. One of them is 64.6 and the other is 65.6, which mile apart. “2 miles away” and “1 mile away” mile apart.
Last week the world mourned for the 1986 explosion of the Challenger space shuttle that claimed seven lives. Today,…
Sometimes, I open my garage to look at my cars when I have no intention to use them. It reminds me that America is awesome and that if you work a fuckton you can own basically whatever you want.
And proves my point once again that any and every car can be made better by turning it into a rally car.
Dear Stance, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy
You said your girlfriend’s pregnant now, how far along is she?
Yeah I was going to post this but then figured someone else already had. Good job. Nothing is cooler than the slammed curb hopping wagons.
I don't think that photo is accomplishing what you think it's accomplishing.
Have you been to the eye doctor lately? You might want to consider getting a checkup.
If enough of us like this comment, it comes true. It comes true, people.
I think someone should call up their hillbilly buddies to sort this out if Police can’t do anything.
Richard Rawlings is the Guy Fieri of Car Shows......Not a good thing.
They kept insisting when they first got the Dodge sponsorship that they had the fidelity to so what they wanted. But I guess time will tell what they really do.
I do like Roadkill, a lot. But I fear they’re going down the same play-nice-with-corporate-sponsors path that other shows take.
Not a single mention of Roadkill, huh? They’re perfect for TV. All of their episodes would actually fit perfectly into 1 hour time slots. That and they are already touring which could only bolster viewership.