I saw a GN, would watch...if I had a TV.
Wow, Impressive.
Haha, awesome and perfect application.
Ah Dillon Aero. I remember the second video and the SUV from quite a while back. Had not see the 2013 video though. Very cool. I remember my parents getting the Blue Press magazine, cool company.
Awesome, I want to do this.
So I'm a big volvo fan and I like volvo power plants, but these are just awesome.
I love cars and planes! Very cool pic!
I used to play this game soooo much when I was little. I knew about the arm, but knew it as a paint brush. Also knew about the vent and the tank shells. The rest were new to me.
In all seriousness though, this is awesome. My brother got to go for a ride in one, said the best part was carving canyons 500 ft off the ground.
Mute, start at 1:08
Eh, I kinda like it, wish the red was slightly brighter and a little less.
Then again, I rather have a Zonda, I find the Huayra a little too catfish like for me.
Nice read, didn't know any of that.
and maybe in-ear airbags to block the brostep.
Wow, why do all trucks have to be huge and bloated now?
Yeah I just watched the HD version, it is indeed an XD
Well the video Jalop posted is in low quality.
Looks like a Glock, a fake Glock. Looks like his finger is far back in the trigger guard meaning it is unloaded or the trigger is pulled. Also looks light with how he is handling it, so I think fake. But hey I guess I could be wrong due to the poor video quality.
Turbos are always addictive, one of my favorite sounds.