Fred Tundra

Actually, you FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT, I hope she gets millions out of the scumbags that pull this kind of Reality porn shit on a regular basis, probably on the hoped that cocksucking dipshit faggots like you are stupid enough to actually pay for this type of shitty psuedo porn. FUCKING SHITHEAD.


Oh man, I do too! I can only take so much before I'm ready to pull away.

As someone who actually went to school for an additional 5 years to earn their Ph.D in Snuggleology, I find this deeply problematic. This woman is a quack.

I thought about this, wondering if it would be a viable career choice for myself. Then I remembered that I become incredibly impatient even during hugs so, nope. Not the best career choice for myself.

I remember reading about this a few years ago and thinking, "I wish I didn't mind touching people, so I could pay off my student loans faster."

Granted, gynecology is only a hobby of mine, but shouldn't a porn star have the same number of holes as other women?

Do you cut it in half so it doesn't get stuck around wildlife? You know like soda can rings?