Fillion is great but i'm still holding out for Joe Flanigan
Fillion is great but i'm still holding out for Joe Flanigan
Now get Joe Flanigan signed and start filming!
I went to the 2009 expo in Leeds as press and really enjoyed it. Was a bit disappointed it was only down in London this year but I hear the venue is much bigger and better
But is it as strong as Transparent Aluminum?
@uruzu.2: No Kidding about mounts! I was lvl59 When I started again and spent a while saving for a swift horse which was 600g back in the day, but now they only cost about 10g, bit of a change! I only have the Burning Crusade at the moment too, but there seems like plenty of content to get my to level 80, just perhaps…
I only just started playing again after a 4-year break, I have alot of catching up to do and very little time!
Awesome! While I have a ps3 I think i'd prefer an xbox release as i'm an achievements monster..
Loving the art style, definitely one to watch!
Cake and beer essential.
Source Code? how the hell can you compare it to a movie that isn't even released?
@Murderdolls: Screenie 5 I believe
Tron approves
I do a really geeky thing on IMDB sometimes where I try and get to what i'm searching for by only clicking links on the main page, slowly working my way through actors and films until I eventually find what I'm after!
@Cash907Censored: Setsunas never really appealed, the original Lockon was a much cooler character.
Interesting article and I can't tell you how chuffed I was to see Kyrios on the main page of io9!
Amstrad CPC 464, aaaah good memories of waiting 20+ minutes for games to load!
@SpammerOvTheGods: That would be seriously awesome!
@Tubbygaijin: Oh wait I just looked again and he's clearly there, oops
Gimme a shout when we get a trailer that actually has Tron in it! Wonder if he'll be all young and cgified also?