
I reckon Duncan Jones would be brilliant, talented director with a deep respect for the original.

Goodra's hanging out at Osaka Castle

Hanshin Tigers!! That kid is awesome.

Thanks, I find it hard to keep up with who owns what!

Do they still have the Silver Surfer rights?

I use Osaka loop line every day, meet all sorts of weirdos but no cyborgs, yet.

What a guy! Initially I was worried about Yakuza 4's multi-character element, but he was such a great addition.

Post-apocalyptic American Gothic?

I love visiting Space Station! Matt's a really nice guy.

Slick pitch video, loved seeing him walk around Den-den town. Good luck to him!

I'm really loving seeing posters for "Wild Speed: Euro Mission" on my way to work at the moment!

Want to go! Lived in Osaka nearly a year and still haven't been to USJ...

This was attached to the theatrical release of Evangelion 3.0! It looked awesome on the big screen.

Tunbridge Wells!!!

I love it too! There's a great store in Southern Higashiyama which has been making it for over 100 years, can't recall the name but they traveled to the Japan-British exhibition back in 1910.

Oh ignore me, its there as Cinnamon Cookie!

I see Yatsuhashi in the top pic but no mention in the post. It's cinnamon based, my favourite by far :)

Used to live near to the delightfully named "Pratts Bottom" https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Pratts+Bottom&hl=en&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=7.361165,21.643066&oq=pratts+&hnear=Pratt's+Bottom,+Greater+London,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=15

Where's KITT?!