I love bullet hell shooters, they're great for my blood pressure... IF I WANTED TO DIE!
I love bullet hell shooters, they're great for my blood pressure... IF I WANTED TO DIE!
@435: Right with ya buddy
Battlefield 2 looks great! I hope the destruction extends to fully levelling building this time a la Red Faction
@d3v: I don't see why not, a slight issue is quickshots use the base housing for structural support, so not matter what they're mounted into they have to sit inside intact - that's what i'm attempting with mine, link below, scroll down to the bottom for a quick mockup:
@Tubbygaijin: Sorry for the double post, edited to remove a typo and it seems to have killed the previous link:
Meh no sale, i'm trying to make my own based on this:
Sounds great, looking forward to it!
Roll on Monday!
Guess that rules Europe out too, big boo SEGA. Why not open preorders at least and test the interest?!
@bigeyedeer: Porco ROsso is amazing, my favourite Ghibli film to date, I hope the talk about Miyazaki wanting to do a sequel is true!
The funniest game i've ever played by far was a PS1 Net Yaroze game simply called 'Adventure Game' It was fantastic!
Get well soon dude, do you get migraines? they suck much and last days..
Ah hell, that's 6.25 UK time, gonna be a real push for me to get back home from work in time :(
@malfunktionv2: What they said was "no announced plans" quite a misleading play on words from Mr Hines
Made my day! wonder if we'll get another level cap increase too?
Any word on where it's moving to December time? must go see!
Still trying not to finish Yakuza 2 before I hear if 3 is coming to the UK *plays sloooowly*
Mine still gets daily use thanks to XBMC, sits happily on my network and streams from any shared folder. Best money I ever spent getting it chipped!