

Nicki Minaj wrote "Beez in the Trap" about this beard.

Welp, its official- I'm old. I don't know who 75% of these kids are. Huzzah!

A friend of mine was telling me about a cosmo she was reading at a friend's house and they had all these different ways to 69. One literally had a woman flipping herself over a couch and face planting into a man's lap. Like, wtf! Cosmo is crazy.

hahaha had the same thought and was hoping someone had brought it up. Man, Tyler Perry is fucked up.

I'm 27 and I'm still waiting for that internal 7 am wake up call too. I still naturally sleep in pretty late when given the opportunity. However, whenever I have a 9-5 I tend to get up earlier (like 11 am, still not early) and now that I have an non-traditional job I can definitely sleep till 1 or 2 when given the

YES.YES.YES!!! I didn't even need to read the article- the heading was enough. If it gets canceled because people are lame I will be livid. LIVID! It single-handedly made me want to move to Chicago in hopes of finding amazing people like this!!

I have to agree, I'm so glad you said it first. I know she has to dress a certain way, but let's not pretend its more fashion forward than it is. Its business casual. Millions of women wear it every day- nothing to write home about.

bahahaha love this!

You know, I felt that way my whole life too, then around 25 I was just tired of it and was like whatever, this is me. And not only did my image about myself get better but so did everyone else's and I felt better and dated more people than I ever had (granted not a great measure of my self image- the amount of guys I

I believe it. I work in a restaurant and the oldest patrons are also the most crotchety, nasty people alive. Of course some are nice... but most are crotchety.

will *NOT illicit this reaction!

I think in theory I have agreed with this for years, but now one of my best friend in the world is pregnant and I am so truly happy and excited that I want to always know how she's feeling at could not imagine NOT being in this baby's life. And I NEVER want kids. Ever ever ever, so I think that maybe when the truest

PREACH! I am a full time waitress with TWO higher education degrees and while I love meeting new people and the other servers I have met are some of the best people I have ever met, waiting tables has made me really jaded and sad at the state of the human race. For every table of people who treat me like a genuine

AGREED! I *know* there are a lot of gross non washers out there, but knowing it in the back of my mind (and seeing it on occasion and reacting in horror in the bathroom) is different than knowing it cause a bunch of self confessed nasties are coming out of the wood works and forming a gross alliance making me never

completely agree- I am currently reading Anna Karenina and there is nothing described in her appearance that makes me think, "you know who would be great as Anna Karenina? That bootylicious Kiera Knightley."