Shouldn't have bought a Mac if you wanted to play video games on it. :P
Shouldn't have bought a Mac if you wanted to play video games on it. :P
He's right. It's much more believable for the ball to come out of the alley, set up the pins, fly down the lane, and then shoot up into his arm, where he would then proceed to set it in the ball holder for it to go back through to do it again
NO NO NO NO NO FUCK FUCK FUCK! Disney buys game grumps and then Facebook does this? This week is just going to the pits!
I love that you say that a $200 GPU will "get you the same performance as a PS4", as if you can just plug a GPU directly into a television and game away. You're conveniently leaving out all the other components involved in constructing a PC gaming rig: the case, cooling fan, power supply, motherboard, sound card, hard…
I know this is an extreme example, but shit like this is why most console gamers balk at joining the PC Master Race. I could buy all three next-gen consoles and a new 60 inch 3D TV for the price of this single video card. Jesus Christ.
You wouldn't. You'd much rather talk trash about mobile games in posts about mobile games. That's cool.
"What we want are more games".
Sure, but that never seems to be mentioned as an issue for the PS4 or the XBone, both with much more lacking lineups than the Wii U.
"Titanfall: Best Lobby 2014" - Tina Amini,
haha, true.. still can't get my head around the 'next-gen is now current-gen' thing :(
"But I'll probably end up waiting for a next-gen port."
Next-gen? Wow... Enjoy waiting then.
I love it
Ahhh World at War. Such good memories with that one.
They delete posts all the time. They have for years. You just don't usually catch them doing it.
Nice, posts are already being deleted huh? Fucking cowards.
Instead of following the guidelines that Totilo stated about how authors are supposed to interact with the commentors you just delete posts you don't like. Fuck you Luke.
Yes. We know. Somebody always has to do a "MY PC DOES ALL OF EVERYTHING AND COSTS ELEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS LESS THAN A MAC!!!111!!!!" Pro tip: Everybody knows. Nobody with a Mac cares.
If you buy a Mac for gaming I don't know what to say to you.
The very fact that this article was written is ridiculous to me. It should be titled 12 games you can play on a Mac.