
it goes to stand that most gamers are in fact under the age of twenty and you could argue that the are immature because they have not yet reached an age of maturity.

oh he was in actual prison beforehand but he missed it

Though I agree there should be more black characters in games, I would like to point out that a lot of white game characters act non specific way, as for heritage its more world heritage than specificity white.

How one looks does not correlate to how they act and sound.

stick a towel over the top of it

the power/home button is your voice

I am somehow seeing the Xbox one as a real broski/frat boy type of console, sport channels sport games, focus on TV and and whole home entertainment centre. Where i see PS4 as more aimed towards a more diverse gamers, with just pick up your controller and you are in the game.

having two cameras set up like that, just makes me think of 3d recording of video. I hope these cameras are at least high def this time

Really those armor are designed with men in mind, although quite a few girls to play these games now days, still the vast majority are teenage boys and men. They are just targeting their market.

A female in proper armor looks like a man. If I wanted to look like a male I would play a male. (and do)

The terrible acting and episode plots ruined SGU for me, the people were all just too stupid. Too much unlikeable characters.

The general concept of the series was okay with me though.

that's funny because English is the 3rd most spoken native language. you can claim that US consumes more, but I'm china does, or India does. Bollywood is bigger than Hollywood after all.

Chell was in hibernation for hundreds of years, I think ratman is dead

I think Disney will market an M game if there is a market for it. As someone said earlier 1313 was a short gameplay video that was patched together with 4 different game engines or something.

Disney is just scraping the fat off its newest asset.

Battlefronts rating is T, so the same as A pg-13 movie or something?

Battlefront wasn't developed by Lucasarts, just published by it. Disney has its own publishers so it doesn't need Lucasarts to do so

That company had a lot of games just fail in sales in the past 5 years.

Also I don't see how this means the end to all star wars games, seeing as even lucasarts outsourced development. KoToR was the best star wars game in recent years and that was made by bioware.

This could mean better star wars games not worse, think

its sort of like black milk really http://blackmilkclothing.com/

I remember when films went into HD and everyone complained when things looked too real, oh just like now.

I also agree with this statement

I somehow feel that XCOM: enemy unknown should be on this list, seeing as it exceeded expectations

In that picture, it isn't a filter. It is a rolled up peace of paper/card for the smoke to pass though, it is something to hold onto when your smoking and so you are able to smoke all the content. Without this you would burn your lips