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I'd still rather use the BOZENA or SCANJACK

So the secret to immortality is infusing the blood of college students into my own circulatory system. Easily done since they will do anything to pay their tuition and rent. Muhahahaha. Immortality at last!

The Bar/restaurant that I worked for and also did the online publicity for declined their offer to pay for publicity, and immediately got tanked reviews on Yelp. I wouldn't trust those F*ckers with anything. They are extortionists. Yelp can kiss my a$$. If you want honest reviews, go elsewhere.

WHAT? Papyrus is the best font EVER! I use it on every single web and graphic project I work on. Everyone loves it. It adds a bit of mysticism to any project. I was so impressed with its' use in Avatar.

Recently, a new horrible way to die just came to mind. Sitting in a dark room, forced to stare at a flat screen, playing THIS VIDEO over and over until your head explodes.

I've had to remove this Defender crap for years from other peoples computers. Every year, they update it, slap on the current year, and roll it out. Stupid people fall for it all the time. I wish some people weren't so gullible (like family members and friends). I don't make money fixing friends/family members

If I could afford it, I would definitely build an underground house like this. Preferably, in the side of a hill. But I would also include light tubes to bring in natural light to the back rooms.

So if this thing is filled to capacity (30M ft³), if would cost between 7 and 10 Million USD. (And I thought my gas tank was expensive to fill)

Curiosity, the neurotic rover. Best friends with Marvin the paranoid android.

This is the reason more and more governments (especially the U.S.) are building underground bases. It's one of the few locations left to keep nosy satellites from snapping pictures. Who needs the NRO when you have Bing/Google/Apple maps.

All blood sucking lawyers should be chomped. =)

That's simple, the workers for those other products are chained and gagged. It keeps the riff-raff to a minimum. Now where did I put that whip.....

10 years ago I decided to do what I love for a living. I had three choices for doing the same thing, politician, lawyer, or porn star. I chose the latter. =)

It's just in case he disintegrates during the real thing. He'll at least have a pretty video for his funeral, being that the live one will show him landing on multiple continents simultaneously. O.o

Same thing happened to me when I got bit by a normal daily aches immediately disappeared.

Does this thing have some type of exhaust port? It looks great while idle, but it would be difficult to enjoy the aesthetics of it when the room is filled smoke and your eyes are swollen shut.

Too bad the US FDA allows all sorts of nasty food processing techniques (Pink slime, Ammonia, carbon monoxide, etc.). I need to cross the border to Canada and taste the difference in fast food (not that I eat fast food here anymore).

Sadly, the Catlin Seaview Survey team ran into a little trouble.

I bet this would be a big hit in Tehran or Jerusalem.