Does this thing have some type of exhaust port? It looks great while idle, but it would be difficult to enjoy the aesthetics of it when the room is filled smoke and your eyes are swollen shut.
Does this thing have some type of exhaust port? It looks great while idle, but it would be difficult to enjoy the aesthetics of it when the room is filled smoke and your eyes are swollen shut.
Too bad the US FDA allows all sorts of nasty food processing techniques (Pink slime, Ammonia, carbon monoxide, etc.). I need to cross the border to Canada and taste the difference in fast food (not that I eat fast food here anymore).
I bet this would be a big hit in Tehran or Jerusalem.
Man, there are a bunch of smart people out there.
So does this mean that those "ladies" doing shows picking up rolls of pennies with their "hoohaws" won't get pregnant? I do realize that the new pennies since 1982 are only 2.5% copper, but still, it's the thought that counts. O.o
The least they should have done was hack those infidels at Wells Fargo, they F*kd up my car loan. :-/
Well, they work NOW. Different links now than when I posted my reply.
Honestly, I don't see the problem. I think they are both pieces of shit. Yes, I know, there will be turd fans on both sides of the aisle that will argue that their turd smells/looks/feels/tastes better, it doesn't matter who copied whom first, you're still stuck with a turd in your hand at the end of the day.
Eric, your links in the post don't work.
Wait 2 days, then he can find it listed at either,, or The first two will most likely be cheaper than finding on the last one. O.o
I was thinking the same thing. Over time, the helium will escape. At that point, will the drive burn up or just get slower?
Too bad the contractors (orange badges) get shafted again, even though they do most of the work. Oh well, glad I still don't work there as either a blue or orange badge anymore. =)
If you've got the money, I suggest you visit there. The architectural achievements they have done in the past 10 years would take your breath away. Just make sure you hire a local driver, as they are f*cking insane on the roads.
Gawd, this story makes no "cents" at all. =)
I can honestly and happily say that I've never experienced the taste of urine (blended or not).
I'm going to have to agree with a lot of commenters here, Dungeons & Dragons (or AD&D). I knew many geeks back in the day that constantly carried a velvet bag full of multi-sided dice, and dressed-up in character (even when not playing). If that doesn't top the geek list, what does?
Whatever you do, don't buy the piece that converts from a white/orange block to a fridge OR toilet.
Even if this drug is approved for human use, most of those saved children will probably starve to death. There's already a huge food shortage in the same locations as the malaria outbreaks. Solving the food shortage in addition to the malaria crisis would be ideal in a perfect world. Sadly, this isn't a perfect world,…