
I would say Washington D.C.. You have the biggest population of corrupt politicians, lawyers, and lobbyists all in one relatively small area. Hmmm, how many Americans would line up to push the button? I mean North Koreans....of course. O.o

We just drilled a large hole in the bottom of a plastic bucket to fit the Brita filter, then filled the bucket with cheap-ass vodka and let it drain into a bucket underneath. Do this 5 times and you've got some decent booze at a cheap price.

Is that Mr. Beans wife?

You are correct at the moment, but given the direction of the slow and painful demise of our Constitution due to corporate dictation/sponsorship of new laws, I feel that within a couple decades we will most likely be in the same situation as Iran. If you don't think this is the case, then you haven't been paying

At least someone understands the problem of obesity. Cudos Jesse. Along with myself, I've had many friends fight the issues with weight gain and its' "feedback loop". It's a downward spiral that's nearly impossible to get out of without serious help.

It's a death row pardon two minutes too late

Now how about an additional article for those not drinking the Apple cool-aid. =)

That's probably how it will work.

It might be that your browser is blocking the necessary javascript used to render the video with the fullscreen button. Just a theory. Try allowing use of all javascript and temporarily turning off any "no-script" and/or ad-blocking plugins (if you have them).

Are they well built? Also, what do you use for heat in this thing? Wood, Charcoal, Electric?

I'm using Firefox, and the embedded video has a working fullscreen button on it.

I'm surprised that they didn't break their necks when landing with that much weight on their heads.

Those needle like teeth look comforting. It's better than bleeding out or loosing an appendage due to tourniquets.

We aren't the ones selling our organs for an iPod. Natural selection at it's finest.

That's an awesome idea. If we don't do something like that, then the world will become like what's depicted in Idiocracy. I figure anyone with an I.Q. lower than 120 should be neutered. That should solve two problems at once: Overpopulation and worthless idiots reproducing.

Thankfully, he didn't put his name in the "Which Organ?" box. Those apps can be confusing.

Only a couple Billion more, and our population problem will be solved.

I don't care who you are, that parody was funny as hell, not the Kimmel sketch though.

Now that you mention it, in a past life, it was a cigar roller.