
Who would want to look at some green "blobby" Vajayjay? I know there are some seriously messed up fetishes out there, but come on, the line has to be drawn somewhere.

My job here is done then!

That's the reaction I was looking for. =)

It's bad enough that they were asking for my Facebook info, but now they want my porn site passwords. Enough is enough! Disney Corp. can kiss my ass!

I fixed Jonathans photo. He's much happier now.

Back to the short/long scale discussion again? Jeez.

And that's the last we'll see of poor little Til.

Most of the other entries were too shitty.

They should invest that money into producing safe sterility drugs, and distribute it globally to 95% of the masses. 7 Billion people is enough. It's ok (and fun) to F**k like rabbits, but jeez, let's do it responsibly without completely filling up this blue/green marble with people.

If you want visuals on a simplified version of this procedure, just watch The Human Centipede (1 or 2). O.o

I'm sorry. Perhaps this picture of a stack of bacon will soothe your hunger pains for that steak.....

Blasphemer! I'd rather lose a few years off my life than give up my ribeyes and bacon.

This reminds me of when I was an underwater jockey playing water polo...

That video looks pretty damning on the part of the protesters, but as with any video, doesn't tell the whole story. I'll have to talk to my friends and show them this video and gauge their reaction to this.

A Desert Eagle? Really? Personally, I'd go with a S&W 500 if I really needed to have a handheld .50 cal.

That completely contradicts what was told to me by friends that was actually there. I'd love to see the video if you have a link. If what you say is true, then I apologize....and that means I've been pissed at the wrong group.

That's just silly. As fluidfilm said, if the hammers aren't synced perfectly every shot, then that second round is probably going somewhere you aren't expecting. I'll stick with my Kimber Tactical Pro II .45 ACP.

Perhaps "We The People" was a little over the top. Unfortunately, it should now read "We the Corporate slaves" to reflect modern times. =(

At least someone acknowledged my sarcasm. Thanks!

So they spray the ones sitting on the ground with pepper spray, not the ones corralling them? Yeah, that's logical. The officers had plenty of opportunities to move to the outside perimeter of the protesters, yet they chose to stay right in the center of the gathering. The only ones that were physically threatening