Good question! I know the white ones sing Sarah Mclachlan and Sara Evans pretty good, and their dictionaries include the words "cracker", "vanilla", "milky", "ashen", and "pasty". O^o
Good question! I know the white ones sing Sarah Mclachlan and Sara Evans pretty good, and their dictionaries include the words "cracker", "vanilla", "milky", "ashen", and "pasty". O^o
Oh no you di'int just go there! SIRIously!?!!?!?? jeez! =)
"Again, it's not your place to say how many people is too many; it's the place of the planet. And when there is too many, it will let us know."
lmao. I would be scared too.
That's so raw, you can still hear it mooing (or whatever sound a live boson would make). =P
I've been using adblock+ for a long time now, but for all the gawker sites, I only block the flash ads, and allow the text ones through, just to help support the site. They have to pay the bill somehow, since the content is free to read. Unfortunately for them, they now use mostly flash ads, which the audio wakes the…
If you eat THAT one, your heart might. O.o
Apparently, I forgot to mention my mental state. I'm not miserable, if fact, I'm typically a very positive and happy person. I'm just concerned with how humans mistreat our home (Earth), and that overpopulation of any single species, especially the one at the top of the food chain, will eventually be our downfall as…
You always see that. I think we need to take you out and get you laid. =)
Awesome. You made me lol. Not easy to do. Thank you.
Just because you're not living in Africa doesn't mean you and your family won't starve when our food supply dwindles.
First of all, I don't live in a city. I can't stand urban life. I live in a forested area near the ocean.
They should visit the cities sometimes, instead of all those rednecks in the middle of cowville.
Do you know nothing!?!?!! It's obviously swamp gas reflecting off Mars, then Venus, then finally, Mercury. Geez! =)
They needed more towels.
Motorola DynaTAC 8000x, nothing reported. =P
Those "seat straps" are for pu$$ies. I like a solid steering column merged with my sternum. And who the hell do you know who would be in the mood for a pillow fight in the middle of a car accident. Sheesh! =)
The U.S. then changed the password for all the drones from "password" to "drowssap". They'll never figure out the new one now!