
It's bad enough hitting a round steering wheel at 60MPH in an accident. I can see that steering apparatus going through someones chest.

See my last response to Fenlain.

Earth isn't big enough to sustain a population of ANY single species this big, except perhaps small insects. Yet, we, as the dominant and "intelligent" species, breeds like virii and destroys/depletes everything in sight. We already have billions of starving people. Do you think more people will solve this issue?

You are right, it would indiscriminately kill, regardless of a persons morals. At least it would slow down man's destruction of the planet, and give it a small chance to recover before the human population exploded again.

Even if that happened, the methane would be a drop in the bucket compared to the instant reduction in carbon emissions from the lack of burning fossil fuels. =)

You actually think 7 Billion isn't enough? Population control is vital at this point. We already have billions of starving people in the world, or are you unable to read? I'm sure by your own statement that you've probably contributed at least 3 more mouths that will eventually starve soon. Good luck explaining to

You're damned skippy. Are you proud how our species have raped this planet that gave us life? Apparently you are. You must be all warm and fuzzy inside. And no, I'm not a tree hugger, just one concerned with our treatment of this once green planet that spawned us.

Why not, we destroy/rape everything else on the planet. One way or another, Mother Nature will balance everything out....or we'll engineer something to do it to ourselves first. It's not the planet that will die, just the "top of the food chain virii, called humans".

Well, this world already has about 6.9 BILLION too many humans on it. I suppose that would be one way to slow down the homo-sapiens virus. Population control without all that political/religious/choice stuff getting in the way. =/

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror screaming RUN AWAY, IT'S A TRAP, but were suddenly silenced by my fiancé. I fear something terrible WILL happen.

In the "blogger" context, everyone is entitled to their opinion, as Adrians, mine, and your comments demonstrate.

Precisely what I was thinking.

Perhaps this should have been the image for this article.....your image doesn't encompass "the sound of whining".

Is it Moby's ....?

Let's see how many of those evil machines get pummeled with rocks and clubs by scared tribesman when they "accidentally" turn them on.

That's nothing. Look what they found on the Popes' testicles.......

Even though I haven't owned, nor will I ever own an Apple product, I dedicate this 3-minute "portrait" I made to his memory. He was an innovator, and a forward thinker. Cheers to a great man.

Good. I have a totally unrelated you know how to make Molotov cocktails? {EVIL GRIN}

Don't you know, the White House doesn't listen to the people anymore. They only listen to large Corporations and special interests that donate a lot of $$$.

Well, if I start getting unwanted political calls on my cell #, I'll look up their "manned" number(s), and attach it to raunchy S&M ads on Craigslist and other sites. Let's see how they like unwanted calls.