
Well, look at the track record of Sci-Fi movies, TV shows, and Games over the last 10 years. Many have flopped up until about a year ago. Fantasy and "Reality" was the main fare.

Bacon scented and flavored Febreze! Genius! I'll order two cases.

Who did they poll for this data? Legacy AOL users? Native Americans using smoke signals? Jeez.

Aliens, explosions, and of course, Brooklyn Decker. Hell yeah. Can't wait for it.


I'd vote for the honest politicians that have the interests of the PEOPLE in mind......if I could find one. But alas, they are all bought and paid for by corporate interests and lobbyists.

Just the week before, he "fixed" his hemorrhoids with a soldering iron.

"But officer, I just found them in an alley. They were everywhere." (as I'm wiping the blood off the knuckles on the back of my pant leg)

"Um, well, you see officer....I was walking down the street, just minding my own business, and all of a sudden, um, ah F*k, just arrest me already, I got nothin'."

"But officer, I ONLY use them for carrying plastic grocery bags. Honest!"

Fine, it's a Dalek. You win. I'll take my Boba Fett helmet and go home.

Ok, you're right. Damned Whovians, always making my life difficult. Jeez.

Yes, but mostly they make fun of you in jest. That site rocks. Great crowd.

There's something vaguely familiar about the design of this thing.

I wouldn't want it to be TOO obvious. =)

You're mistaken, sir. That's the new RIM store.

Nice place, but I think they need new artwork.

I already sold my soul (and all personally identifiable info) to Mark Z. for 10,000 Likes. It sounded Like a good deal at the time. Sadly, not anymore.

They sell 33-1/3, 45, and 78 adapters on e-bay, so you're good to go for vinyl.

That law should have been abolished a long time ago, IMHO.