
We’ll never know, because the South was so insecure and defensive about the practice of owning people that the election of a Republican (who, per the party platform opposed the expansion of slavery but not necessarily its abolition) inspired them to secede.
For the curious, here’s the Republican Party Platform of 1860:

This is good commenting. I learned something today.


I don’t know, I feel like having a president who constantly lies and uses bluster would make people not really trust him, which can have some destabilizing effects.

An erosion of the world’s trust and confidence in the stability of the United States.

Oh, how is it? I’ve read through his Great War series and enjoyed them.

It’s a double entendre. Paddy drove the wagon, and paddy was in the wagon. The Irish were viewed as a criminal element in the city.

People are doing this lately in Nashville. Presumably they thought “Music City” was some kind of euphemism.

“Pheromosa, a Sass-type Pokemon”

Now playing

Here’s a video from “The Great War,” a youtube channel devoted to...well...

(It’s a great channel if you’re interested in WWI. The main series is weekly updates about the week’s events 100 years ago, and it has plenty of other specials, like the one posted here)

“Crosby on the Subban breath comment. ‘He made that up, I didn’t say that’”

One that wasn’t good enough to properly run the game. This remains one of the great disappointments of my young life.

As a native Nashvillian, I would like to say that I am simultaneously pleased and utterly surprised you say that. 

Thanks for taking the time to explain! I haven’t played Magic since Kamigawa — and was kind of out of the loop even back then. “In my day we just had ‘remove target permanent from play’” etc, etc.

I clearly have no idea how Exile works. I initially read it as banishing your own card and giving it to your opponent. But I guess it just...moves to the side and then immediately comes back into play?

“Talk about changing the momentum of the game!”


Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Honestly, I think avoiding gossip is the primary reason that Mike Pence doesn’t have 1:1 solo interactions with women.

Could be a useful cosplay item, in very specific instances?

If you were not already aware: