That looks choice.
That looks choice.
I'm from Hawaii (Aloha) and I play this game all the time. Rather than a Chrysler in my town however, it's usually a base model convertible Mustang.
It reminds me of an old joke.
Asides from Top Gear, Regular Car Reviews are the only car reviews I like. You either have boring rich white men with tucked in polos or the mediocrity of everyone else. Humor+Cars=Awesome
I've never heard anyone speak with such seriousness on the subject of showers.
This post couldn't have come at a better time. I have literally listened to my favorite playlists 40 times over and it was time for something new. And yes, Noon Pacific is awesome.
Honestly, I immediately start imitating Sean Connery whenever I'm in a sexual situation. Works like a charm. Most of the time.
Honestly, I immediately start imitating Sean Connery whenever I'm in a sexual situation. Works like a charm. Most of the time.
I suppose it's silly, but ever since my best friend went back to Korea, I've come to terms with how much that relationship meant to me. You've got to hit rock bottom if you ever want to come out on top.
This is why I torrent. Enough said.
Or never exercise again. That works as well.
Okay, okay, okay. I run Ubuntu 13.04 (which came out two days ago), Mac OSX 10.8.3, and finally Windows 8 (Thanks PirtateBay!). Mac is my primary operating system. I'm the president of my high school's Computer Club and I'm always grateful to go back to my Mac after hacking apart Core 2 Duos and Pentium 4 machines.
In the eyes of the airline companies, we're all the same, except our infants when compared with potatoes are much louder.
Eh, depending on the size of the sex tape it varies. Google Beam in my experience has always been a finicky little bastard. For a video, I'd say about 4 minutes. NFC faster than Bluetooth but slower than WiFI.
I've been using Ubuntu since 10.04 and I've enjoyed it ever since. I've learned to code somethings for it and I know the in and outs of it pretty well. It's an especially good operating system for programming and recently gaming, thanks to the Humble Bundle. Honestly, you just can't go wrong with it.
It wasn't the best deal but it was pretty darn good. I sprang for my first albiet older DSLR, a Nikon T3. It came with two lenses, a body, and a SD card for $499. It has been super duper fun for the single day I've had it. Ah, consumerism....
"I just bought twelve" Jesus Oprah...