
This is nuts. I was about to write an article on this yesterday -before Microsoft even did it.

That's a good idea, yeah!

That's what I thought.

And SC2. It's so dumb. There should be at least a 'LAN version' for the Pro meetups.

The JVC HARX700's are the best under $40.

Sorry! Wired, out of the box support if you have usb, otherwise, this:


Uh, pretty much all the Gameloft games are available for Android too, and not to mention emulators. Super Smash Brothers, anyone?

I wouldn't know - it just works.

I wanted one of those for years. It's what I compare future tech to, still.

You don't need to root an Android device to do it. It just works with an app if it's wireless, or out of the box if it's USB.

My Android tablet works with Xbox, PS3, PC, and wii-motes... most out of the box, others with a cheap or free app. Kthxbai.


Great show, thanks for introducing me to it!

Ditto to that. Razer Blade or a Sager. That's it. I just built my younger brother a desktop that can handle even recent games for about $200, however. Got all the parts used off of eBay. It can handle Starcraft 2 on high, Crysis on medium.


Android is a Linux distro, but yeah, you can install desktop linux on them.

Wait until Abrams gets a hold of it.

Haha, so true!

That's my kind of desk. One you can actually do stuff on.