
Elon Musk?

Totally. Bay needs to just stop making movies.


My phone, I don't mind, if I know the person a bit. I use it a lot, but mostly just as a phone , camera, and Kindle. The laptop is an ixnay, unless you're among my trusted friends that don't suck with technology. Nothing to hide, all my passwords are in KeePass. And I don't do 'the other stuff.'

Android isn't nearly as bad on battery life as it used to be. My HTC Glacier can last two days. And with user-replaceable batteries, the device's actual life is much longer.

Yeah, a really tiny girl I know puts her HTC Sensation in her back jeans pocket... it's sticking out about half-way.

Every tech company is bashing Apple right now.

Uh.... have you never taken apart a phone before? This is like, ugly compared to an HTC. Or samsung. :P

Watson wasn't as great as most people thought - really, just a publicity stunt by IBM. The 'Watson' most people know was just the front-end, which did the communication and voice-recognition. Watson was actually connected via the internet to an IBM supercomputer, possibly the one above, to search the internet at crazy

Excellent point. Answer: Nope.

Thank you for speaking up in the name of what is now uncommon sense. :)

The entire thing should be made out of titanium, thin as an iPod Touch, and as durable as a toughbook.

Me too man. I wish they were allowed on my campus. I sorta want to make up a bs psychological reason... my dorm is totally big enough too :(

The reason was the FRAGMENTATION that everyone is complaining about. They're trying to get a consistent look and feel to Android, which those technically were. Aliyun is just a crappy Chinese fork of Android source.


That's nuts....

I closed that tab so fast my finger is bleeding.

That sounds like a scam. Not Google. I'm betting there's something up here...

Huh. My Samsung Galaxy Tab with CM9 can't even run FPse. Maybe it's time to upgrade....

Look, a haiku.