
I thought the same thing. And no, I'm not offended. :)

Yeah, my eyes are very exacting, and the differences are actually pretty big. It's hard to explain, but it's there.

Right on!

You'd think that, but sadly, you underestimate lack of user education. I taught a class to people 40-something and over, and I was able to confirm that they ALL thought that every slate device was an iPad made by Apple. Every. Single. One. Advertising is all Apple does right, and it shows.

Sennheiser HD201's are the best budget headphones, if you're looking for that. Amazon has them:

Same here. Even when I had a Mac and iPod I still bought stuff off of Amazon, it was cheaper. I did blow like $50 in the App Store though.

Though others have said it, I think it can't be emphasized enough. Open Source software has one lead programmer (usually the guy who started the project) who looks at all the code before it goes into mainline. As long as you trust the project you're downloading from (Such as SourceForge or OsAlt) you're fine. I

Note on the Sprint Samsung Galaxy Tab:

Ditto there. I am disappoint.

If you think top is good, try 'htop'. You'll need to install it, but it's in the default repos of all distros I've used. Best thing ever. htop is to top like Notepad++ is to Notepad.

Fail, you did three comments to be a grammar nazi.

Thanks, just about to install 8, good to know. It's articles like this that keep me coming back.

I listen to classical on Pandora, or just play a video game with a catchy soundtrack for a bit, like Bastion.

This. A thousand times this. This is why I don't play other FPS', only Halo. Even footing is the ONLY type of multiplayer game that's fair.

I'm thinking you need a new mouse, sir or madam. I suggest any Microsoft Mouse with BlueTrack.

Same here. And if you fall asleep at your desk.. *shiver*


I think that's the most respectful disagreement on the Internet. Cheers to you sir.

Actually, Jelly Bean is more of a Service Pack than a standalone OS. Hence the Build number, 4.x.