
Yeah, I hated those, especially when Portable Apps is so much better:

This can be disabled in the BIOS, under "Action Keys Mode". I'm typing this on an HP DM4 with the same feature.

Yep, both sides of the fence just need to get fired. Replace them all with thirty-somethings who are at the top of their fields in Science, Education, Medicine, and Agriculture. Watch how things change.

....way to use lots of punctuation?


There's plenty of other environments out there :) I'm going to try unity for a day or two, but I prefer gnome 3 after some tweaks. there's also gnome 2, if you prefer that.

That's about the biggest problem with 'nix in general. Then again, Windows 7 doesn't like my integrated webcam much, because of HP's bloated driverset...

Ubuntu is the best, in my opinion. Remember, it's endlessly customizable. You can make it behave any way you want.

There is sometimes a really simple fix for that. On my HP, it was just that the brightness was turned all the way down on reboot. The brightness hotkeys fixed it for me (on every boot... but it worked!)

Same here. Gnome 3 is my favorite. It works the way I think.

do you mean certified manufacturers? There are several:


He feels bad! And that's what counts.

Or anything that can run Instagram, lol

Uh..... this has been a feature in Windows for as long as I can remember...

Some schools are devaluing history altogether. Ask your average 14yr old about the Holocaust - and if they know all about it, ask where from.

The problem is you need to have friends that actually care about a new 'social network'.

I just laughed so hard I spit. Dead serious man. Thanks for the laugh :D

Apple is over-rated, but what he's saying is nonsense. It sounds environmental. He probably has kept them near a speaker/subwoofer/amp or something with a huge magnet like that. Yes, that will ruin your harddrive.