
Lol, I feel that. Ubuntu and Linux Mint are getting better though. Arch is pretty solid, I've heard, but I don't want to spend the time setting it up.

Heck yeah! I want that thing!

THANK YOU. Someone who knows what they're talking about.

It used to be, before Microsoft got wise, and started working with the white-hat hacker community to release patches in a timely manner.

...and a sandwich and coffee of course.

*cough* I'm sure no one here has done that....*cough*

I have a trach, so if I want to talk to someone riding shotgun, command my phone, or talk using the speakerphone, I only have one hand available. I just got used to using one hand for ALL driving. Turn signal, big turns, the whole deal. It's normal for me now. Had one small fender bender in three years of heavy

Most people don't see the difference because their first-gen plasma TV is a bottleneck. It can't achieve the resolution output from the BluRay player.



Fair enough. No hate.

This is win!

I just find it funny none of you actually read my sources.

If you think it has contradictions, pick up some books by Norman Geisler: []

So, we know that Uranium-lead dating is I don't know of anyone around to observe anything around a billion years ago. Macro-Evolution is not observable or repeatable.

I have no idea why that would be proof at all. And I've been to the Creation Museum, it's awesome.

Same. I have an HTC Glacier (MyTouch 4G) and CM9 is way better anyway.

It's hilarious how 'scientists' claim they can judge something that happened millions of years ago.

Before you guys bash Creationism, why don't you look at both sides?

Why do you find swearing necessary is what I want to know. And you don't find a need for specific words mental? Lolz.