
Looks faked. Check out the clouds - they are moving too fast.

You’re right but also people easily triggered should just avoid going to stand-up comedy shows in general.

Oh yeah let’s just replace all safety procedures with whatever a random dumbass deems “common sense”, that’ll work out. Oh wait no that’s probably why a man is dead and a 19 year old kid will have to live with that. Fuck off, people like you infuriate me. We have ample ability to impart safety knowledge without it

Version control has zero bearing on whether or not a game will recompile in the newest version of Xcode for the newest version of iOS. Version control is a way to manage and preserve source code changes over time and across multiple users and systems, not compiled applications. (Github’s releases feature, for example,

Having your paychecks direct deposited to Robinhood makes about as much sense as having them direct deposited to the local casino.

Personally, I try to stay away from places that have a bunch of warning signs to not be in the area and threaten arrest, so I find this one to be all on the knuckheads in the boat.

Nailed it. I try to explain to people that once the ship sails there’s no getting it back. Best to send bombers after it.

The “stop covering him” strategy doesn’t work, particularly with vapid dolts like Paul, who have enough of a following of other vapid dolts that he can make money while also drawing enough attention to make ignoring him just difficult enough to make it unworkable.

Buffet is famously hands-off with his holdings. He sure as hell ain’t telling the finance guy at a Nissan dealer in AZ to fluff up ad-ons...

Don’t mistake this as a defense of him, but I doubt he is more than tangentially aware that these dealerships even exists, much less sets or even guides their policies. He and Berkshire Hathaway push holdings around so much as a portfolio shifting exercise that I doubt you can even get from the highest person in the

I legit thought that there was a FPS DJ Khalid doppelganger running around.

Me. The answer is “me”.

Yes, because if anything screams “badly run” it’s a $2T company with 20% YTY quarterly growth

especially when they show absolutely no desire to get any better.

As some one in Japan.. while the in the past generations Japanese generally preferred Sony and Nintendo’s offering, its beginning to change with this current generation. There’s a perception here that Sony is no longer a Japanese company, with all the games being released in the US first, and the PS5 being more

Cool now do Saudi Arabia, China, Israel, and the United States.

Plenty of Russians are protesting

He can’t. He has large off-shore bank accounts to protect. Then there’s the whole possibility of “accidently falling off a building” and his family being disappeared to consider.

You’re fun. I bet dogs don’t even like you. 

So Amazon is at least three degrees removed from what this dishonest headline claims. This is an example of how you can link any company you want to almost anything through degrees of separation.