
Honestly, I think it’s fair to keep bringing the topic up until Sony creates a consistent system for cross-gen/cross-device games.

By now, you’ve surely heard of them: the NYC techie power couple—one of whom is obsessed with crocodiles and enjoys a good, awkward rap

That’s exactly my point, there are restrictions and limitations on these rights. It’s not just for “people” across the board.

Read the First. Thirteen. Words.

The united states is a middle-income, heavily Westernized liberal democracy - overwhelmingly Christian, including a sizeable chunk of Mormons... And there are plenty of sites that of considered off-limits due to respect of religion and traditions of native American tribes and Hawaiians.

I’m a nurse. I’ve been pulled over for speeding a dozen times in the last ten years. I was ticketed once. Each time, i was going to or from work, in uniform. I think there’s an unspoken rule that cops do not ticket nurses or other cops. Without the face-to-face I’d have so many points on my license I’d probably not be

Please tell us what your job is so we can judge your value to society.

That’s just simply not true. I’ve seen plenty of cases of people who left side panels off and had cases filled with dust, hair, crumbs, and other crap that settled in there. It’s *impossible* to actually have controlled air flow when you just have no control at all, not to mention that it becomes impossible to have

Why is he a right winger? Because he’s old and white? Did he do something I've yet to hear of? He’s not American ya know. 

I mean sure. But then again...I think he has thousand other things going on in his head. Sure he heard maybe “Twitch” from his kids...but after the thousands new social media, streaming, whatever platform, I can perfectly imagine that it went down in the masses.

My daughter gets slowly to the age that she starts

I really think you’re overestimating twitch. Tik tok is an extremely popular known entity. Hot ones is(I guess) a popular video series with celebrities. Twitch is it's own little world with stars that, for the most part, aren't famous outside of twitch. The most famous twitch personalities are gamers and Ramsay

weird, for me it’s the other way around.

The article mentions one person saying the polarity marking on the cap itself was wrong, so possibly it’s the fault of the cap manufacturer and not ASUS.

@ForgotMyPasswordAgain this is the shit I was talking about when I said Gizmodo was playing both sides.

Exactly: the problem isn’t Alexa or Amazon in this case, the real problem is that humanity itself is just awful. Terrible. The worst.

This isn’t a fly-by-night operation but goddamn Amazon. They must have at the very least a 2N i.e. two separate backup power systems redundancy so if they still lost power it must have been a pretty serious situation.

I worked at a data center with that same set up. Then a storm came to town and took down power and the first generator kicked in. It ran for about 3 hours until it shredded all of its accessory belts and shut down. The other generator kicked in automatically... and also ran for about 3 hours until shredding its belts.

Ehh... it’s bad, but there are tons worse F2P schemes out there. I’m just glad there isn’t any gatcha boxes

Literally anything with randomization is more predatory than this. Halo Infinite is overpriced. It isn’t predatory. You know exactly what you’re buying up front and get exactly what you paid for. It isn’t preying on propensities for gambling addictions, and is more minor than almost any other game in terms of preying

Nah. He’s done. This was a fitting coda to the other films, wrapping up each characters’ story lines. He’s a great Spidey, but it’s time to let Tom Holland keep it going. He’s a great Parker and we’re at a pivotal, and frankly, a more interesting phase with the great forgetting. I would love another Garfield movie,