
You’re completely wrong about charging infrastructure. Everywhere except the most densely populated areas there isn’t enough charging available.

Ehh, I’m fine with buying digital games but I’m also fine with a time eventually hitting where I won’t be able to play the games anymore. To me it’s worth the tradeoff.

There is no prior content for Infinite, bro.

Audiences like us are so honed into the hobbyist side of the gaming world that we have a hard time seeing or recognizing that those with focuses like us are actually in the minority.

The sheer number of people who just do not give a shit about counting pixels or fiddling with menu settings if the fps counter drops

Smart watches with SpO2 or heart monitoring capabilities need FDA clearance. Withings had to wait more than one fucking year for FDA approval. Samsung and Fitbit watches had features disabled when launched because they were waiting on FDA approval.

I can assure you that all pulse oximeters (which this is) definitely need to have FDA approval

They have, actually.

In my experience, language written by committee over multiple rounds and with various levels of management sign off regularly includes stilted/redundant/awkward language

Are you a customer service rep taking calls as your main duty?

The “surprise visit” component was obviously bad and probably illegal in most states. The other aspects though? I can’t really fault them. “Background noise” is woefully generic, and you’re right - a bullpen in a call center is hardly silent. By the same token, it most likely does not also have many of the noises that

What? No, they’re charming and fun.

someone is always about to release something better. just pick one when you need to upgrade and go with it. Otherwise you’ll be waiting forever.

Don’t you ever feel infringed upon because you are ‘banned’ from wearing these colors freely? I remember seeing a Greek almost get his wig pushed back because he approached the wrong dude about wearing a damn purple tank top. There has to be a line. On a college campus ok, but out in the real world you better keep

Genuinely curious - why would you take issue with someone wearing Omega Psi colors for a role? 

This is a dumb ass issue. The character is a soror. Fictional people do real people things in movies and TV all the time just like this.  Clutchin pearls........

lol I can almost guarantee they cleared the copyright shit before they aired a logo like that, and get over it. It’s a sorority/fraternity. If doctors don’t get upset about Grey’s Anatomy, why are a bunch of beer-pongers and flip-cuppers getting upset that they are getting repped in a major tv show? 

Hey “Manny”, just an FYI - your post is worse than worthless, and you are wasting the time of everyone who has the misfortune to read it.

Utter nonsense.

Hopefully NASA stops wasting it’s budget on this and just relies on SpaceX instead until the legacy space launch companies get their act together.