
Please tell me, how is Rosetta 2 going to let you play Apex Legends, Cyberpunk 2077 or even older games like GTA V on M1 Macs?

Sick and tired of white using Black people for their agenda.

I think he also did motion capture for the character so it’s not quite as “simple” (so to speak) as voice acting. That being said, yeah, I’m sure there were a number of departments at Santa Monica that were really helped out by the delay.

I can’t imagine people still clamoring for a sequel five years later don’t already own the game.

Age is such a weird thing. When growing up, even a year or two age difference between you and someone else could feel like quite a lot. Then you hit adulthood. Suddenly, those few years differences are completely wiped away. As you head into your 20s, you suddenly realize that there is very little difference between

reminds me of when Infograms bought Atari and then said lets call ourselves Atari because people have fond memories of Atari.

that was like taking a pet someone once loved but died a while ago and wearing their skin hoping the previous owner will come give you a hug.

meanwhile I know it wasn’t relevant to how this new

Yes, how dare Twitch, a (then) gaming platform, name a feature after a thing from gaming that their primary demographic would automatically understand and that also happened to make perfect contextual sense!

Twitter isn’t called “raid” and people still use it to harass others. If you really think the name is the reason...then damn are you naive in regards of the humanity.

KOTOR is quite good, and was probably the SW-verse highlight for me back in the early 2000s when the prequels were rolling out. The Star Wars games in general were pretty strong in that era. Stuff like Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, and Republic Commando were other strong releases for the time. The Jedi games mostly hold

Not sure that I am seeing the problem here. It seems that WhatsApp can’t see the contents of your message unless somebody reports it, in which case the already decrypted by the end user message is sent to WhatsApp moderators. How is this any different than if I were to take a screenshot of a message and message it to

Sometimes, a large company doesn’t exactly know the demand for a product. This seems like a way to get actual customer interest as opposed to spending the money first and finding out nobody wants the product.

This isn’t different than what Lego Ideas or Hasbro Labs does. On those platforms, they need a threshold of

However, if Sony didn’t charge this fee, then what would be the point in anyone ever buying the PS5 version of a game?

You need to wait for Gamer nexus testing on this where he will put sensor near each crucial component.

If you want to protect your computer from the machinations of Razer peripheral-wielding potential hackers right now, consider disabling your computer’s USB ports.

It’s ugly, it’s way too goddamn big

Come on... you’re getting schooled. Don’t be stubborn about it. Doubling down on your failure to properly use a dictionary and look up the word you’re complaining about is not going to help you.

That’s because you ... went to the definition for “eminent,” not the definition for “eminently.” Different words have different meanings, my dude!

The adverb “eminently” usually means “to a great degree.” 

From Merriam-Webster: