Apologies, someone else replied with the sick parents case and that response got wrapped in.
Apologies, someone else replied with the sick parents case and that response got wrapped in.
Why does everyone jump to the supporting his sick parents case? Is it valid, sure. Is it valid in this case? Probably not. In fact, has that ever been the case in any of these scenarios? No.
There are tons of legitimate reasons, however in this case the OP accused the author of being petty for pointing out his age. Given the facts (and without knowing any backstory), being “petty” seems ok in this situation.
He’s 20, making $400k and he lived with his parents. You don’t see the problem there?
Comcast JUST finished their Docsis 3.0 roll-out. It will probably be awhile before you need to get a 3.1 modem. Plus, you would need their most expensive speed tier to even take full advantage of it.
Comcast JUST finished their Docsis 3.0 roll-out. It will probably be awhile before you need to get a 3.1 modem.…
As someone who went down that road for internet and phone, I would stick with the Comcast rented modem. If you’re doing internet only, then definitely buy your own and save some money, but if you buy your own for the phone piece it can be a bit of a headache.
As someone who went down that road for internet and phone, I would stick with the Comcast rented modem. If you’re…
Southwest is probably the only airline you can get away with that. I had the same thing happen on a Delta flight a few weeks back, but instead of boarding they were greeted with a nice red light and buzzing sound when they scanned their passes. I was honestly happy that they weren’t allowed to skip the line.
If I had to guess, you explained why they didn’t say one performed better than the other in your 2nd paragraph. If there aren’t many studies on shifting to lower wavelength blue vs. reducing light then it’s better they just lay out the facts of how both work, as the author did here.
If Blizzard had to spend millions to combat their product (and can prove it), then yes.
This was easily the best thing about the inventory system. I don’t want things handed to me, but pointing me in the right direction is still fine with me.
Without giving away any spoilers, he did an excellent job. Horizon was the first game in awhile that I was pulled into and just wanted to keep playing for the story and the lore, not just to finish it. It was completely original and setup for more story in the future. While not perfect, the characters and environment…
Think of this as a standard USB hub (not powered). Assuming you can charge your head phones with USB, you would just plug the charging cable into one of the USB ports. It wouldn’t charge fast, but it would charge.
Think of this as a standard USB hub (not powered). Assuming you can charge your head phones with USB, you would just…
Reach (and a few others) is what my XB1 are for now. Tried Halo 5, just couldn’t get into it like the previous games. Now I just play reach and the MCC with friends.
That sudden bout of patience you speak of kicks in around mid 20s - early 30s, or when you start getting other responsibilities that don’t leave room for gaming. That was the case for me (and most of my friends anyway). 10 years ago I would have waited in line overnight for a new console. Now I just shrug and say I’ll…
Not necessarily. In this instance the car should have been more cautious, but there is nothing to say that if things were done properly this still wouldn’t have happened. Suppose for a second that the car did check the blind spot, the motorcycle wasn’t there but was going at a speed 20 - 30 mph faster than the car.…
Not to be an ass, but motorcycles get caught in blind spots all the time. People can’t see cars in blind spots, so it’s reasonable to believe that motorcycles are just as difficult or more difficult to see.
And that’s ok too. If you prefer to jump into games that’s great. In fact, it would be better if this mentality were shared by others instead of purchasing completely based on review scores. I brought up the reviews in the case of a demo changing between the demo’s release and the game release.
Preordering games that you know will be in short supply is ok, but there is still no reason to preorder a more common title.* Even if you like the demo, still wait for the final reviews to come in and make sure the game hasn’t changed drastically.
You missed the point, and proceeded to be a dick about it.
4k 60fps AND all of the settings on ultra. The scropio may be able to do 4k at 60fps, but probably at medium-high to high settings. Console games tend to be more optimized too, where on the PC what we tend to get is hit or miss until the inevitable multi-GB patch drops to fix stuff.