
If consumers had no access to independent shops and if they had no option but to ship their Xboxes to Microsoft for a disc drive replacement, they’d have to wait a month, pay up to a third of the console’s price tag and, potentially, receive in return a new console without any of their saved data. The bills would

Same here. I got the RROD, but had a new console within a week. When I looked at my shipping info, i distinctly remembering that my console was actually sent to a local shop and MS just sent me a new console. My guess was during the RROD days they had to utilize 3rd parties since the issue was so widespread.

In that case enjoy your switch. Hope it doesn’t die on you.

There are already reports of Switch hardware failures. Even you would be upset if you lost a bunch of hours and game saves.

You’re assuming that he was around the reactor. As others have pointed out, there are plenty of other things that can deliver high doses of radiation.

I actually hate Miami more than I do New York.

It would be more impressive it were the other way around. I’m all for great looking environments, but the characters should take priority. They are the focus after all.

Literally everything has a review embargo or NDA. Cars, electronics, movies, even new food products. Doesn’t mean they’re bad.

Which is still odd to me, especially having worked for a few state governments who would never enter into a contract like that. Unless these are REALLY small towns (like this article) where the sheriff and the mayor are one in the same (Exaggeration, but you get my point) and no real legal counsel on staff.

Which somewhat implies that the camera companies knew they were operating in a grey area, and a contract secures them money. I’m no lawyer, but I’m guessing the only way out of those contracts would be if the removal came from a court order, not because people complained about them.

Not about “getting it” as much as it’s about creating unnecessary alarm.

If it’s anything like the XB1 it could actually be faster using the external drive. Both the XB1 and PS4 use slow internal drives for some reason. The original versions anyway. Newer versions (Pro and XB1S) may use hybrid drives.

Try Googling for the game you’re looking at and see if someone has tried it on a laptop. Believe it or not there are TONS of videos and reviews like this one where people buy games just to see how they run on various laptop configurations.

I don’t disagree. I can see and respect where the argument comes from, but at the same time I acknowledge that there are SO many other things to be offended/upset about.

I think that’s the overall point. The game is still using the same stereotypes from the 80s. Supposedly we (society I guess) have moved on past this. I personally think we still have a long way to go, but this is the perception today.

Continuing with this analogy, whats happening here is people are ordering something they know they don’t like and then complaining about it. Solution is to only order what you like.

You’re still vising AND commenting, so clearly you care but don’t really care if they’re “professional” or not.

lol journalist. I don’t think you know what that word means. Putting a post on a blog doesn’t make someone a “journalist”.

I have Origin and Steam installed without issue because there are several series (Crysis and Mass Effect are the main ones) that I have 1 and 2 on Steam and the 3rd on Origin. It’s not ideal from a single storefront perspective, but it’s fine. The 3rds are not there because by the time they launched EA already had

Here we go with the “real gamer” BS again...