
True, but oddly enough MS has the most to gain right now by making sure they scale correctly. XB1 to Scorpio to PC. Especially if they keep pushing cross play.

MS is a company that deals with separate bases all the time. Consumer enterprise, PC and Console. Sony is doing the same with the pro, thats why they downplayed it. In reality they should have just waited until next year and done a complete overhaul.

I’ve seen the same, but that was back in the early 90's at the latest. I haven’t seen that here in Texas in over a decade.

And even as Administrator you still have to jump through some hoops to REALLY mess something up.

Maybe, but I know several people (myself included) who bought the game only because the movie was coming out. I can only imagine how much money they made off of people like us. Kind of a Star Wars fever I guess that faded away by the end of December.

Exception not the rule

You’re argument just sums up all of the whining about this game. Everyone is up in arms because of what they saw in demos and beta trailers, when in reality they should have waited for actual gameplay footage. If developers were to be sued based on what they showed in demos then they would all be in court every time

Where did you see a 4K HDR TV for $500?

Those are people who want to run every game at ultra settings. For everyone else, a GPU will easily last 3 - 4 years or longer depending on what you play. I know people still running GTX 780s and are just now looking to upgrade to the 10 series.

It could be argued that the special armored bus was a reaction to what happened right before. IOI trying to kill him and all. If I remember correctly, IOI had info on them but they weren’t trying to kill his friends yet, so they could afford to drive around in an RV with no added protection.

That means its broken and you should return it immediately. Why is this even a scenario?

There are other examples, but E3 trailers (especially 2 year old trailers) should NEVER be treated as concrete evidence of features. So much changes between E3 and final builds that those are just marketing hype videos. Unless the game is being played on stage, what your watching is essentially a mock-up.

I recently watched both Gargoyles and Batman actually, and they hold up ok. It helps that they’re cartoons and can get away with more of the outrageous stuff vs. Knight Rider and MacGyver

The PSPGo could be set aside for weeks on stand-by mode without needing a charge.

Yes. Yes he did.

Meh. In a week people will be complaining about No Man’s Sky posts.

It was a hybrid SSD though.

It’s different and people are fickle. People hated XP and 7 when they first came out, now they’re in the class of best OS ever released by MS.

Unless you can do it yourself then you want a middle-man to handle things like this. Middle men make money off of the lazy and inexperienced, and business is great right now.

Based on the sound of it, I think it’s this: