
Not about overhead or or costs, it’s about making money. Sure they could only charge the minimum to keep things running, but then what’s the point?

I’ve never heard of anyone trying to replace the battery in a mouse. The mouse will usually die before the battery does. That’s been the case with my wireless mice anyway.

I’ve never heard of anyone trying to replace the battery in a mouse. The mouse will usually die before the battery

Nothing you’ve listed is special about this launch from others. Or important really. This is the same thing that happened when the 9 series launched two years ago. PR issues clearly aren’t a problem as people are still lining up to get the cards.

The 980 Ti and the Titian launched almost 4 months after the initial 970 and 980. By that time supplies were plentiful. That and most weren’t buying those cards since they were $700 and $1k at the time.

Then your friends haven’t followed launches very long because it has been this way for the last 20 years at least. Also keep in mind that PC gaming is on the rise again, so demand is up too.

Just because you can’t find one doesn’t make it a disaster. In fact that’s par for the course with new cards. They’re always scarce for the first few months.

The original kinect was a “success” only because it sold so many. Not because it was necessarily useful. To be fair, I don’t blame MS for trying to double down on it. 24 million units is a lot. Now, how they went about it was a different story.

How does 343 factor into this?

Unfortunately the Halo Bungie is all but gone now. Halo Bungie and Destiny Bungie aren’t even close to the same.


Clearly you’re not around trucks much or you would know that they almost always have blind spots and indicators of where those are. If the truck is making a turn and you enter that radius during the turn, whatever happens is on you.

Calm down. If it was your IP you would protect it too. Just because it’s a little indie dev doesn’t mean they get off easier than a larger company.

Good luck with that. Right now that definition only applies to telecoms, and not even to MS in the 90s really.

Huh? Have you seen the telecommunication’s industry lately? Or any other tech related industry? Also, none of these companies should be broken up, and for what reason? Suppose a company grew large with no (what you would call) underhanded tactics. You’re saying they should be broken up because they’re successful?

Assume because of the Dreamcast reference

Think you’re confusing MS with Google. MS doesn’t shut anything down, even to their own detriment.

“The fact that Jiffy Lube continues to exist proves that they do not suck to the extent that you imply.”

Remember the third-party controllers with the built-in fans from several years back?

Really? This is the most backwards comment I’ve read in a long time. In what way did he use this for professional gain? Page clicks that happen when people read his article? You’re essentially dismissing his argument simply because of how the internet works today.

No, that’s just a standard update. The OS is already Windows 10.