
Don’t think it’s about being anti-consumer or making more money as much as it is just simply keeping up. A console every 5 - 8 years made since before, but now it seems like technology is just evolving too fast for that to remain the case. People want the latest and greatest, and there is no way the current console

Said no one ever.

Fellow PC gamer here, the game is gorgeous for a console game. This is a good demonstration of what next gen hardware can do, but at the end of the day if this were on a PC it would look even better.

No, Because the same thing could happen with private servers. And those would likely have little to no protection from large attacks like this. That’s a very weak and juvenile defense. This is an MMO. When you buy it you understand the risks.

Obviously it’s personal preference, but platter drive? No thanks. Not for gaming anyway.

Probably because it would make the cost skyrocket. Games and OS on the 512 SSD and everything else external.

If you use them or not is moot. You’re willingly excepting a lesser product for the same amount of money. If people are willing to do that then it should be no surprise that people are willing to deal with micro transactions and season passes.

So, you’ll spend $60 on a game that is lacking a lot of features but are against micro transactions and season passes?

If it helps there was a blurb about Gears on PC. Also Kotaku isn’t the only gaming news site. There are plenty that covered the Xbox stuff today.

Even the crappiest of internet connections can stream video. The quality will just vary.

As expected? Unless it’s a cheap AC AP it probably won’t do well.

Works fine for me. Most of the people that I know that have had trouble are still using 10 year old wireless routers. Even then it works, just don’t expect to play at the highest quality.

Why is it “weird”? Think you’re missing the overall point here. It’s not about looks, it’s about nostalgia. Read some of the comments and see for yourself. the only way you don’t agree is if you weren’t alive during this time.

Turbo = Backwards compatibility button

Best PC laptop I’ve ever owned is a MBP running Windows. Up until recently Apple has generally had the best hardware. Combine that with Windows and it’s a perfect combo.

Although sad, I can’t help but think it was inevitable/could have been worse. Suppose they did survive the track, what would happen when they reach the end? Don’t traditional bobsleds have brakes? And if you don’t decelerate at the end, well you get the idea.

I had a similar situation when I was a kid, and I feel like those battery covers were faulty in some way. I broke mine a few times and it was pretty much the same story with all of my friends, and we all got free replacements somehow. Going off memory as well, but I want to say at some point they did start selling the

Wow. I’ve yet to work someplace where I didn’t gain a new Steam/XBL/PSN friend, but guess I’ve gotten lucky that someone hasn’t done this. That said I have seen where HR has tried to use outside activities against an employee and it backfire (spectacularly in one instance).

I built 3 PCs last year, all with GTX 970s for under $1k. Unless you’re buying GTX 980 ti, titian cards, or buying a MB with a bunch of unnecessary “gaming” crap a build with GTX 970 should not cost more than $1k (assuming you’re not reusing components, otherwise it’s even less).

How did HR get steam account info in the first place? If it was a requirement of employment then you literally signed away your privacy voluntarily.