The person with the logical flaw here is you. Just because it’s not physical doesn’t mean it’s not “stealing”. While not physical, digital goods have value.
The person with the logical flaw here is you. Just because it’s not physical doesn’t mean it’s not “stealing”. While not physical, digital goods have value.
Happy that it’s back up, but why did it go down?
I don’t care what company you are, “scheduled maintenance” isn’t done during peak hours. If they said emergency maintenance then OK, but to take all of PSN down for emergency maintenance during peak hours is going to raise a LOT of questions.
Eh, it’s the Master Chief collection, not the Halo collection. Adding it now in a DLC sense is fine, but to say it should have been there in the first place (especially since MC wasn’t in Reach) would have been counter intuitive.
They could have asked what he thought of it and gave his opinion. Certainly not uncommon question among friends, and doesn’t sound like he was defending anything.
You not checking for updates is not the same as MS not releasing updates. I’ve been running 1.8.8 on PC since the summer.
I was good with all of the other issues (i.e. a sun breaker can’t do a bubble among other things), but the Vader line about “third person shooters” kinda ruined it for me.
The PS3 was “forward thinking” with Blu-ray and it was years before Sony began turning a profit, and years after MS made a profit from the 360. Any system/console can be forward thinking if you’re willing to sink in the cost, but there is only so much you can do at a certain price point. Nobody is going to buy a…
And if they did go with HD-DVD they would have been in worse shape. We would be pissed if we were paying a higher console price for what is now a dead medium. DVD did impose some limitations, but given the alternative (and being 10 years in the future) it seems like it was the best decision.
Stating an opinion as fact does not make it a fact.
I’m guessing you’re to young to have played the older late 90’s early 00’s Tomb raider games. The only way you could even make that comparison is if the only Tomb raider you played was the 2013 remake.
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That may be true as well. In fact, I only ever hear the my disc drive when the game is installing. I want to say the XB1 copies the entire game to the HDD and the disc just has to be there for licensing. Just like the 360 essentially.
I have the exact opposite experience. Both have huge updates, but my XB1 always downloads significantly faster than my PS4.
How can you say “very little to none”? The bad PR has already begun to affect sales, execs are scrambling and this is all before governments have weighed in with fines, investigations, etc.
Maybe 5 years ago. I’ve got a laser mouse that works fine on my glass desk. That or a large mouse pad would easily solve that problem.
I recently went from a Revolution to a Master and haven’t looked back.
I recently went from a Revolution to a Master and haven’t looked back.
Not about nefarous intent, it’s about IP law which is very black and white in this case. They threw a party using someone else’s IP and charged for it. Yeah, can’t do that. Especially with Nintendo.
I want to say yes. Look here and scroll down to the “X” shaped D-pad.
Isn’t the D-pad swappable though?