
copyright infringement (the definition) isn’t limited to “bootleg” products. Using someone else’s brand without permission is infringement.

I’d rather have some than none, you also need to realize that some of this is the publishers too.

No I wouldn’t because I realize it happens every day. If you think all of the “sales” you see are genuine discounts you’re a fool, and the onus is on me to recognize what’s a good deal and what isn’t. Not the government. If you can’t see past deceptive marketing (which isn’t difficult for fiscally responsible people)

guessing you missed the reference?

You’re still missing the point. What does any of this have to do with video game sales? Absolutely nothing. Your original argument was torn to shreds and now you’re resorting to large, irrelevant sweeping generalizations and assumptions for the sake of arguing.

“By that logic, we should abolish the police/military and let everyone defend themselves. Personal responsibility!”

Ultimately you’ll have the same issue with 1TB though. At least with external you can expand instead of having to shuffle all the time.

Xbox supports external drives though. I thought the PS4 did as well, but I could be wrong.

Pretty sure this is one of those because I can projects and not one based on logic and reason.

1. MAC addresses can be spoofed

1. MAC addresses can be spoofed

I'm on Comcast and it works fine.

That's great! It only took apple two (almost 3) whole years to catch up...

To be fair, his point still stands. Regardless of the outcome, 90% of engineers probably couldn't even construct a shuttle or space station.

Please, enlighten us on what makes you a "mission management" expert.

Where do you live that people don't live past 86?

One that most console gamers are more than willing to pay.

Consoles have one thing going for them that PCs don't, simplicity. And this is coming from a PC gamer. Power, HDMI, insert disc and you're done. PC is more involved and more issue prone than Consoles which is why they took off in the first place.

That was kinda the point though. The writers explicitly went out of their way to make her Ang's counter if only to prove that every avatar is different. You knew her character was going to be like that just by reading about the series before it aired, and the next book is supposed to "temper" her attitude.