
Electricity isn't that expensive, and even then the Wii doesn't use much to begin with.

I have absolutely loved watching fanboys fight over these consoles. What makes it hilarious is that PS4 fanboys have completely forgotten all the BS sony has pulled over the years just like the Xbox fanboys are going to forget how MS just tried to screw them over. Going to be an interesting "war" this generation.

Probably depends on the game. Animal crossing may not be the best example. A better example would be an MMO like WoW. Because the changes can affect more than just you, you would have to connect to some central server to get the changes since you last started the game.

I'll give you the cloud computing argument, but that doesn't explain the 24 hour check in.

Not if you're trying to make money. E3 is a business, and the longer it goes on the more money they make. Always comes down to money.

But people want to see new and upcoming games. If they only did gameplay, E3 would be significantly shorter.

Assume they get converted?

If it's not ready, then all they can show is video. But again, thats the majority of E3. Videos of Video Games.

I take it you've never seen an E3 keynote before? Because out of all the demos, only a handful are actually done live.

It's not proprietary though. There are a bunch of (better) 3rd party batteries that you can use. The play and charge batteries were notoriously sucky.

So if they did their job "right" you would just accept what they say as fact? Without verifying the information yourself? Really?

Are you serious? I'm guessing you're one of those people who believe everything they hear on the news.

"I had to learn from twitter that Congress passed a bill that would protect Big Agriculture from threat of lawsuit"

MS does support Apple, just like Apple supports Windows. In both cases, it's just enough to get by.

Have you personally compared all of them to the HoverCam?

The iX500 is probably the best document scanner I've ever used. It's a bit expensive, but worth every penny, and the software is isn't lacking in features either.

Tennessean here, quite a few people do move voluntarily here. Mainly because it's so cheap. Case in point, My neighbor just moved from a suburb outside of Ontario and is in utter amazement about how cheap the houses are here. A 4K sqft home on a .5 acre lot with a pool goes for about $350K here, where in California

Why would any reputable business not be identified as such on the Caller ID?


Nope. I have better things to do, but apparently you have time to play grammar police all day so have fun with that. Adults are going to work now.