
It's there, but you have to be using the storefront, not the web interface (which most companies are still using)

The distribution is/was it's biggest issue. I wanted to try one but the closest one to me was almost 4 hours away, and I'm not going to drop that much on a tablet sight unseen. Did that once with the Xoom, will never happen again.

I remember using remote desktop on an old HTC phone running Windows Mobile 6.x years ago, so there has to be one floating around somewhere. That said, back then I was remoting to XP machines, so not sure how they would behave with newer OSs

Windows 7 is bad? You couldn't have said that with a straight face, and yes Antennagate was just as bad. So bad in fact that Apple had to do a special press conference to acknowledge it, and then instead of owning up to their mistake said "look, everyone else's phones do it too!". Now, I never denied that they (MS)

"You should be able to figure that out....which you didn't."

"1) its not out yet and 2) it does not have any quality built into it."

First, "CD slots"? Really?

Different authors, different opinions. Hell, did you read the surface review? Several of the authors were arguing in the comments.

Cash is king and doesn't have an overhead like credit/debit transaction.

Donated for the first time yesterday. Gave $10, which is a good deal to me considering how much I use it.

You jumped to the most unreasonable alternative, not me. You could just as easily email them and save on postage, or use something other than a social media site. There are many options available, but if you want to give up your privacy for the sake of convenience, that's your call.

Hopefully you wouldn't be the only one.

Warning, as in not the feature story. If you're going to have the NSFW content on the home page, then whats the point of the NSFW tag?

Its marked NSFW, but the NSFW content is displayed on the home page. So, as soon as you hit, there it is with no warning. I agree with his comment. Don't mind NSFW content, just don't think it should be the featured article.

You're an adult in the eyes of the government only. To the real adults (those over 30), you're still a teenager.

She probably would have made a video of her spray painting it, so that wouldn't have mattered either.

It was a joke

In addition to budget and size, what are you going to connect it to?

First, 55 isn't that large for an "orchestra". Closer to the size of a high school band.

How do you know what people do and don't want? And warning sounds and ringtones aren't even a remotely valid comparison.