
Just because you have a ring tone doesn't mean your phone has to be at 100% volume. You can have a ringtone and still be considerate to people around you.

Set top boxes are about simplicity and convenience, so while and HDMI cable will work it's not as ideal. Especially since most streaming boxes are $100 or less now.

Could actually be more of a deterrent. Who would you kidnap, the kid walking alone or the kid with the quadrocopter hovering over him?

Since it has GPS it could technically retrace it's path back to the house.


That all you got?

Hasn't been the case with Verizon yet. Well, in my area anyway.

I upgraded to Windows 8 just for the performance increase, but I never use the start menu. Never really used in in 7 either. I think people are making it out to be a bigger deal than it really is, especially since it doesn't take away from anything.

If you hate ActiveSync/Exchange why not just stay with Gmail or something?

If you Really wanted to share your photos privately, you would use something other than Facebook. Again, if you don't want the world to see your "private" photos, don't put them on the internet in the first place.

If you have a Gmail account, then you have a G+ account. All Google accounts now have G+ accounts by default.

And that makes since economically and environmentally, as long as corners aren't cut.

Yes its a wonderful way, but its not the only way. There are other picture and video sharing sites out there, and while not as convenient will allow you to accomplish the same goal without giving up your rights over your uploads.

"The photos, videos, thoughts, and all other intellectual property I create should remain mine unless I tell Facebook they can own it."

"So here's to hoping those commercial services aren't re-selling the mountains of shredded paper they're producing."

That 5 year policy is shaky at best. I've got a 2008 (little over 4 years old MBP) that can't run mountain lion, and what sucks more is that I know the hardware is capable but Apple just wants me to buy another one.

This is the one day where all diets or semblance of healthy eating go out the window.

I guess I got lucky because most of my family is pretty tech savvy, and they only call me when they really need me. The worst thing I've had to endure in the past is people asking me phone questions and having to explain the difference between the OSes. Only questions I'm expecting are Windows 8 questions, and that

"I didn't know people bought Kindles."

People forget that you have to orchestrate those P2P connections somehow.